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Showing posts from November, 2017

Why IRDAI Pulla Rao Gave False Information In RTI?

CARELESS REPLY OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF IRDAI IN RTI REPLY, FIRST DENIAL  NEXT PROVIDED INFORMATION PULLA RAO , IRDAI RTI Reply: No Employee from TAC HYDERABAD: Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Of India is habit of giving false information to applicants. In a recent incident the executive director of IRDAI Shri M Pulla Rao denied that no body is appointed from Tariff Advisory Committee prior to 2005. Later in next RTI he gave information that Sushpal singh appointed from  Tariff advisory committee (TAC) to IRDA and absorbed in 2000.Such high post officer gives false information in RTI with full confidence is risk to nation. In other public authorities the officer which gave false information was suspended from service. The careless attitude of top officials are hitting policy holders interest and low profile employees are made scapegoat in any  irregularities. Now applicant is waiting for sumo-too action of IRDAI Chairman i...

Supreme Court Has No Information about Judges Duty and Responsibilities

ALL PUBLIC SERVANTS  HAVE DUTY AND  RESPONSIBILITIES AS PER POST Mumbai: The Supreme Court Public information did not provided information about Judges duties and responsibilities. Inspite to reply he tried to misguide the applicant. All the post in public authorities have such information in public  domain so there must be such information in supreme court record. The applicant has filed appeal to SC.  Final Status of   JUSTC/R/2017/80177 Applicant Name Sapan Shrivastava Date of receipt 01/08/2017 Request Filed With Department of Justice Text of Application Information about duties and responsibilities of Supreme Court and high court judges with copy. Request document  (if any) Status REQUEST PHYSICALLY TRANSFERRED TO OTHER PUBLIC AUTHORITY  as on 04/08/2017 Date of Action 04/08/2017 Remarks Details of Public Authority :-  Registrar (Admn.), Supreme Court of India

Ram Nimi Building At Fort Illegal Construction Under Investigation by MCGM

Mumbai:The Multi story Ram Nimi Fort Building At Cawasji Patel Street , Fort Mumbai is under MCGM investigation . The structure lack fire department clearance as they did not left space for fire safety. The Building department of A ward checking the papers aforesaid building .

Medical Store Have Mandatory Fire NOC as per Law: RTI

Thane: There are many fire incidence occurring at Pharma Stores due to short circuit. But the medical stores did not installed fire safety equipment in their shop. As they are storing different types of chemicals so due to fire there is risk of air pollution in nearby premises. In an RTI reply the Thane Municipal Fire Officer confirmed that the medical store / all establishment have to get fire NOC as per section 3 of Maharashtra fire prevention and life safety act 2006.


Udaipuir:Many FIR Registered at Rajasthan against ICICI Bank and ICICI Prudential life employees for converting fixed deposit  into insurance policies by miss selling. ICICI Bank take over Rajasthan Bank then the fraud started. Many farmers are getting govt subsidy in their account when they go to withdraw them then the smart ICICI bank officers convert it into 10 years policy. The Consumer activist Nitin Balchandani is fighting against miss selling and  registered FIR against ICICI group at Udaipur Police.

Chief Justice Support ban On travelling Luggage Coach Of Mumbai Local Train

BOMBAY HIGH COURT ORDER PUT RAILWAYS IN TROUBLE. THOUSANDS OF PASSENGERS TRAVELLING IN EMU LUGGAGE COACHES AT MUMBAI. CENTRAL RAILWAY ADVOCATE MISDIRECTED COURT THAT TRAVELLING IS NOT ALLOWED IN EMU LUGGAGE COACHES. EMU Luggage Coaches With Window Mumbai: In a PIL 111/2016 (Original) the petitioner challenged that how luggage coaches have been been converted into tiffin coaches without any proper order, the chief justice of Bombay High Court passed a non practical order and supported ban by central railway for travelling in luggage coaches. As per PVT rules of railway there is no ban of travelling in luggage coaches with luggage. The railway advocate also not interrupted her to get PIL disposed.  In the hearing Chief Justice Manjula Chellur did not allowed petitioner in person to speak without advocate.She started blaming petitioner bad habit to file PIL and lack of knowledge in prejudice manner. Sh...

10000Cr India Expense on MP MLA Per Year!

100 Billion EXPENSE ON 4500 ON PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVE THIS AMOUNT ENOUGH TO IMPROVE INDIAN RAILWAY ANNUALLY. भारत में कुल 4120 MLA और 462 MLC हैं अर्थात कुल 4,582 विधायक। ______ प्रति विधायक वेतन भत्ता मिला कर प्रति माह 2 लाख का खर्च होता है। अर्थात ______ 91 करोड़ 64 लाख रुपया प्रति माह। इस हिसाब से प्रति वर्ष लगभ 1100 करोड़ रूपये। ______ भारत में लोकसभा और राज्यसभा को मिलाकर कुल 776 सांसद हैं। ______ इन सांसदों को वेतन भत्ता मिला कर प्रति माह 5 लाख दिया जाता है। ______ अर्थात कुल सांसदों का वेतन प्रति माह 38 करोड़ 80 लाख है। और हर वर्ष इन सांसदों को 465 करोड़ 60 लाख रुपया वेतन भत्ता में दिया जाता है। ______ अर्थात भारत के विधायकों और सांसदों के पीछे भारत का प्रति वर्ष 15 अरब 65 करोड़ 60 लाख रूपये खर्च होता है। ______  ये तो सिर्फ इनके मूल वेतन भत्ते की बात हुई। इनके आवास, रहने, खाने, यात्रा भत्ता, इलाज, विदेशी सैर सपाटा आदि का का खर्च भी लगभग इतना ही है। ______ अर्थात लगभग 30 अरब रूपये खर्च होता है इन विधायकों और सांसदों पर। ______ अब गौर कीजिए इनके सुर...

PIL About Project Affected People Rejection Causing Injustice At Maharashtra?

BOMBAY HIGH COURT REJECTING MANY PROJECT AFFECTED PEOPLE (PAP)PILs. HELPING STATE GOVT AND CORPORATE BENEFIT? गरीब जनता कहा से केस का पैसा लाएगी ? महाराष्ट्र में गरीबो के साथ दिनदहाड़े अन्याय  Mumbai:Many social activists filing public interest litigation in the interest of project affected people which are poor citizens. Keeping negative view in mind the Chief Justice Manjula Chellur bench is disposing many PIL by commenting that affected parties should come forward for litigation. The poor peoples are effected by injustice of state govt and corporate collusion . They are also not literate to approach high court to file writ petition. At India approaching the High court is expensive task due to high litigation cost and high advocate fees. So the poor people have no money to approach high court. If few social activist file PIL as per rules then CJ suspect their intention , ask their background?  The court have mindset that activist intenti...

Govt Has No Rule For " Cool And Dry Place" Temperature Definition -RTI

TRANSPORTING IN HIGH TEMPERATURE IS ALLOWED FOR SENSITIVE PRODUCTS, COLD DRINKS AND MEDICINE SHOULD STORE IN COOL AND DRY PLACE, BUT TRANSPORTED IN 40 DEGREE TEMPERATURE Final Status of   FSSAI/R/2017/50299 Applicant Name Sapan Shrivastava Date of receipt 10/10/2017 Request Filed With Food Safety & Standards Authority of India(FSSAI) Text of Application The Cold drinks and other Juices are transported in open vehicles which causes direct contact with sunlight and dust with high temperature. The shop keepers are store them outside the shelter with direct contact to sunlight in spite of warning Store in Cool and Dry place. RTI question Definition or regulation or any about COOL AND DRY PLACE, with temperature details with copy Request document  (if any) Status REQUEST DISPOSED OF  as on 08/11/2017 Date of Action 08/11/2017 Remarks Reply :-  It is informed that all the conditions of handling food during transportation and storage are given i...

IRDA: Wastage Of Policy Holders Money At Mumbai Office

मोदी सरकार की फ़िज़ूल ख़र्ची , जनता टैक्स से बेहाल   MORE THAN 8CR SPENT TO DEVELOP MUMBAI REGIONAL OFFICE FOR 6 EMPLOYEES, 90% SEATS ARE VACANT AT MUMBAI REGIONAL OFFICE OF IRDA. MONTHLY 15LAC+ RENT OF OFFICE-RTI सरकारी पैसे का भारी दुरुपयोग IRDAI Mumbai में!  इस सन्देश को मोदी जी तक पहुचाने में हमारी मदद करे और इसे अपने मित्रो को fwd करे। आपको याद होगा कि पूर्व finance मिनिस्टर के भगत श्री विजयन को lic में irregulaties के बाद भी इरडा का चेयर मेन बनाया गया! RTI द्वारा प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार 2015 में इरडा नें 7500 sqft में 1cr खर्च कर मुम्बई में ऑफिस खोला। जिसका किराया और अन्य खर्च लगभग 20lac per month है। अब तक इस वैभवशाली कार्यालय में करीब 6 लोगो को पोस्ट किया था। यानी करीब 900sqft per employee काम करते है। मुम्बई में इतनी जगह 2 परिवार रह सकते है। कुछ करो मोदी जी ....... Final Status of   IRDAI/R/2017/50429 Top of Form Applicant Name Sapan Shrivastava Date of receipt 06/09/2017 Request Filed With Insurance Re...

No Vehicles In India Approved By ARAI vehicle regulator Pune!

Automotive Research Association of India   Have No List Of Approved Vehicles -RTI ONLY PUBLISHING COMPONENT  APPROVED LIST IN WEBSITE Mumbai: ARAI Pune is a vehicles design approving authority of government of India ie. regulator to approve different models and components of vehicles. In an RTI reply they have no approved vehicles list on record . They only issue certificates to vehicle manufacturers with conditional approval.  By not making  100% approved vehicles list confirm that they are providing conditional approval. They also not want to provide the approved vehicles list because non of them may be not 100% approved. As per RTI regulation all the information should be published online as per section 4. But not making approved vehicles list online signals irregularities in ARAI. The corrupt officers are allowing defective vehicles which causing millions of accidents on road. In order to provide the list they ...

Excise Maharashtra To give rewards to informer and State Excise officers/Employees for encouraging Investigation in Crime

Maharashtra Excise Department will give reward to informers and Prize in Crime Investigation Download महाराष्ट्र शासन  गृह विभाग  शासन वनणमय क्रमांक : बीजीटी-1016/प्र.क्र.39/राऊशु-1,  मादाम कामा मागम, हुतात्मा राजगुरु चौक,  मंत्रालय, मुंबई-400 032,  वदनांक : 09 ऑक्टोबर, 2017. िाचा :1) शासन पत्र गृह विभाग क्र. एमआयएस 0174/47 (235)-XXX-PR, वद. 20.05.1976. प्रस्तािना:- राज्य उत्पादन शुल्क विभागामार्म त शासनास वमळणाऱ्या महसुलात मोठ्या प्रमाणात िाढ झालेली असून महसुलाचे संिधमन करणे ि िाढ करणे ही मुख्य जबाबदारी या विभागातील अवधकारी ि कममचारी यांची आहे. या विभागाशी संबंवधत गुन््ांना आळा बसािा याकवरता, गुन्हे उघडकीस आणण्यासाठी गुप्त मावहती देणाऱ्या खबऱ्यांना, त्याचप्रमाणे राज्य उत्पादन शुल्क विभागातील अवधकारी/कममचारी यांना गुन्हा अन्िेषण कामी प्रोत्साहन वमळािे यासाठी या विभागाच्या संदभाधीन वद.20.5.1976 च्या आदेशानुसार बक्षीस धोरणाविषयक तरतूदी ठरविण्यात आल्या आहेत. सदर तरतूदींमध्ये गेली 40 िषे कोणतीही सुधारणा/ िाढ झालेली नाही. तथावप, अव...