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Showing posts from January, 2018

166 Illegal Religious Structure At Central Railway Mumbai Division

Central Railway Issued Notice To 166 Religious Structure as Per Supreme Court Order for Demoliation Notice At TOI 23 Jan 2018 for objection

CBSE : No Staff Should Family Relation Of Management Committee

BLOOD RELATION NOT ALLOWED IN MANAGEMENT AND STAFF CHAPTER-VI SOCIETY I TRUST/# COMPANY REGISTERED UNDER SECTION 25 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 RUNNING THE SCHOOL  20. School Managing Committee, Its Constitution, Power and Functions 1. Schools other than Government Schools affiliated with the Board shall have a school managing committee. 2. The school managing committee should consist of the following :— (a) the managing committee of a recognised aided school shall consist of not more than fifteen members; and the managing committee of a private unaided school shall consist of not more than twenty one members; (b) subject to the total number of members specified in clause (a), every managing committee shall include the following namely:— (i) the Head of the school. He will be a Member Secretary of the School Managing Committee; (ii) two parents of students in the school; (iii) two teachers of the schools; (iv) two other persons (of wh...

30% Indians Drink Liquor regularly- WHO

११ प्रतिशत भारतीय बेवड़े यानी जयदा पीते है   Last year, in 2014, the World Health Organization or the WHO released its Global Status report on Alcohol and Health. According to the report, about 38.3 percent of the world’s population is reported to consume alcohol regularly. On an average an individual consumption amounts to 6.2 litres of alcohol each year. The report only considers individuals over 15 years of age. The report says that about 30 percent of India’s population, just less than a third of the country’s populace – consumed alcohol regularly (as of 2010). Some 11 percent are moderate to heavy drinkers. The average Indian consumes about 4.3 litres of alcohol per annum, says the report. The rural average is much higher at about 11.4 liters a year. According to an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) report released in May 2015, alcoholism increased by about 55 percent between 1992 and 2012. It is a quickly rising concern among the...

Liberty:Article 21 definition by Supreme Court

🎓Constitution Of India🎓 Article 21 of Constitution & various dimensions added by SC: 1. AK Gopalan V State of Madras : procedure established by law 2. Right to have fair procedure- Maneka Gandhi V UOI 3. Right to legal Aid- Hussainara v Home Sec , Bihar 4. Right to Public Trial- Vineet Narain V UOI 5. Right to go abroad- Satwant Singh Sawhney v. Assistant Passport Officer, New Delhi, Maneka Gandhi v. Union of India 6. Right to privacy- Kharak Singh v. State of U.P 7. Right against solitary confinement Sunil Batra v. Delhi Administration 8. Right against hand cuffing Prem Shankar v. Delhi Administration 9. Right to Medical Care- Parmananda Katara v. Union of India 10. Right to Health- Consumer Education and Research Centre v. Union of India 11. Right to Social Security and Protection of Family- L.I.C. of India v. Consumer Education and Research Centre 12. Right to Shelter- Chameli Singh v. State of U.P 13. Right To Livelihood- D.T.C. v. D.T.C. ...

खुलासा: शादीशुदा इंदिरा गांधी का पं. नेहरू के सेक्रेटरी से था अफेयर!

During Indira-Feroze Marriage, Talk Of Her Affair With Nehru's Secretary वरिष्‍ठ टीवी पत्रकार सागरिका घोष ने देश की पहली महिला प्रधानमंत्री इंदिरा गांधी की जिंदगी के अनकहे रहस्यों पर एक किताब लिखी है जिसका नाम है 'Indira: India’s Most Powerful Prime Minister'।  इस किताब में सागरिका ने इंदिरा गाँधी और उनके पति फीरोज गांधी के संबंधों का जिक्र करते हुए कुछ सनसनीखेज खुलासे भी किये हैं।  इस किताब में लिखा है, 'फीरोज ने 1955 में जब जीवन बीमा का राष्‍ट्रीयकरण किया, प्रेस का संसदीय कार्यवाही की रिपोर्ट‍िंग की आजादी दिलाई, हालांकि बाद में इस कानून को इंदिरा ने ही इमरजेंसी के दौरान कुचल दिया।' इस किताब के मुताबिक, 'दिल्‍ली में फीरोज को नेहरू की मौजूदगी से घुटन होती थी और तीन मूर्ति भवन में रहना उनके लिए असहनीय हो गया था। फीरोज की आशिक-मिजाजी के किस्‍से दिल्‍ली के गलियारों में सुनाई देने लगे थे। वह अक्‍सर तारकेश्‍वरी सिन्‍हा, महमूना सुल्‍तान और सुभद्रा जोशी जैसी सांसदों के साथ अपनी दोस्‍ती का प्रदर्शन करते थे, वह भी ऐसा दिखाने के लिए जैसे वह अपने ससुराल वाल...

Amicus Curiae For Party In Person If Committee Reject-Bombay High Court

NO PARTY IN PERSON CAN BE INSISTED TO HIRE  PRIVATE ADVOCATE WHY STAFF HIDING THIS CLAUSE WITH PIP? THIS ORDER GOT INEFFECTIVE AFTER SC BENCH RIGHT TO JUSTICE ORDER IN 2016 50LACS+ PARTY IN PERSONS APPEARED IN DIFFERENT CASES AT ALL HIGH COURTS MUMBAI: As per rejection report by Bombay high court screening committee the amicus curiae will be appointed by court. OS-HC rule 2015 . CLICK SUPREME COURT ORDER RIGHT TO JUSTICE-2016 "The Committee shall interact with the Party-in-person and give opinion by way of Office Report whether Party-in-person will be able to give necessary assistance to the Court for disposal of the matter or an Advocate may be appointed as Amicus Curiae."

Loksabha MP Filed Criminal Case Against IRDAI - Insurance Regulator At Bombay High Court

PRIVATE INSURANCE COMPANIES SUCKED PUBLIC FUND VIA PONZY SCHEMES  इरडा के अधिकारिओ को Romantic Pleasure देकर मामला दबाया! करोड़ो के घोटाले में चवन्नी पेनल्टी लगायी IRDAI ने  Mumbai: NLC President Advocate Mathews Nedumpara on behalf of Dr. Udit Raj files petition against Loot of Thousands of Crores of Public Money by Private Insurers – Protected by Insurance Regulator IRDA. A criminal writ petition – 4936/17 has been filed in Bombay High Court citing glaring serial incidences of loot of policy holder’s money, thru PONZI MLM Schemes and looting of government funds meant for the underprivileged, SC/ST’s and looting of PSU’s employee benefit funds, by various MNC led insurance companies like ICICI Lombard, Bajaj Allianz and Future Generali, under active patronage of IRDA’s officials. The connivance of IRDA becomes all the more alarming since their senior officials repeatedly been giving misleading representations at various forums in protecting the criminals and also i...

PM Modi को महिलाएं भेजेंगी 1000 sanitary pad, जानें आखिर क्यों

18%GST ON SANITARY PAD AND IN LUXURY ITEM CODE WOMEN'S USING SANITARY PAD 4-5 DAYS PER MONTH IT HELPS IN INFECTION CONTROL WOMEN DEMANDS FREE SANITARY PAD FOR ALL WOMEN'S UPTO 45 AGE. GWALIOR WOMEN GROUP OPPOSING PM MODI 18%GST ON PADS मध्य प्रदेश की ग्वालियर की महिलाएं प्रधानमंत्री मोदी को हजार सैनिटरी पैड भेजेंगी। महिलाओं द्वारा मासिक धर्म में इस्तेमाल किए जाने वाले सैनिटरी पैड को जीएसटी के दायरे में लाने से इसकी कीमतें बढ़ गई हैं जिसके बाद महिलाओं ने अभियान चलाया। महिलाएं सरकार के फैसले के खिलाफ सैनेटरी नैपकिन को जीएसटी मुक्त कराना चाहती हैं और इसलिए उन्होंने हस्ताक्षरित एक हजार नैपकिन और पोस्टकार्ड पीएम मोदी को भेजने का फैसला लिया है। ग्वालियर निवासी प्रीति देवेंद्र जोशी ने कहा कि एक तरफ देश के प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी स्वच्छता अभियान चला रहे हैं और दूसरी ओर सैनिटरी नैपकिन को लग्जरी सामान में शामिल किया गया है। उन्होंने कहा कि लड़कियों से लेकर 40 वर्ष तक की महिलाओं को हर महीने 4 से 5 दिन इसकी जरूरत पड़ती है। प्रीति ने कहा कि सैनटरी नैपकिन पहले से महंगा ...

Six Lac Schools at Maharashtra in JAN 2018

DISTRICT WISE SCHOOL LIST District Name Total Schools MUMBAI (DYD) 18 WASHIM 7436 BHANDARA 7472 HINGOLI 7944 WARDHA 8902 AKOLA 9264 GONDIYA 9909 OSMANABAD 10137 PARBHANI 10612 DHULE 10742 MUMBAI (BMC) 11372 LATUR 11853 NANDURBAR 13012 SINDHUDURG 13255 BULDANA 14137 GADCHIROLI 14185 JALNA 14267 CHANDRAPUR 15046 AMRAVATI 15969 SANGLI 16328 NAGPUR 16688 THANE 17103 JALGAON 17593 KOLHAPUR 19402 PALGHAR 19986 AURANGABAD 20040 YAVATMAL 20394 NANDED 20515 BID 23289 RATNAGIRI 24894 SATARA 25201 RAIGARH 26376 SOLAPUR 27252 NASHIK 32905 AHMADNAGAR 33474 PUNE 39370 Total                   606342 Director 9763192266 Shri. Sampat Gaikwad Assistant Director 8007059084 2 Education Officer (Secondary) Z.P. Satara Office Shri. D.B.Kulal Education Officer (Secondary) 9822825798 02162-233522 3 Education Officer (Secondary) Z.P. Sangali Office Shri. M...

Jabalpur Medical Department Issued Notice to Sudha Hospital

CMHO JABALPUR ISSUED NOTICE TO SUDHA MULTISPECIALITY HOSPITAL AND HIGH RISK PREGNANCY CENTRE JABALPUR Jabalpur: The Chief Medical Health Officer issued notice to Sudha nursing home/hospital for non clearance of local authority certificate as per municipal act . The comments from Dr. Sudha Choubey is awaited . Dr .  Sudha Choubey  Area: Jabalpur City  Phone No : +919827269127  Address : Gole Bazar,  Jabalpur  City,  Jabalpur , Pin Code: 482002