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Showing posts from March, 2023

Corruption Case Filed Against TMC MOH,DHO and KDMC Health Under PC Act 1988 For FIR

  Thane: A CRPC 156 complaint has been filed against Thane Municipal MOH , Thane  District Health Officer and Kalyan Dombivali Municipal MOH  for registering private Hospitals and nursing homes and PCPNDT centers without mandatory complaince. All the offices was registering hospitals and sonography labs without occupation certificate and final fire NOC as per Hon'ble Bombay High Court order. The case under Section 7 and 13 of PC act 1988 with IPC 166A, 212, 468 etc has been filed with charges of bribe and  disproportionate asset  . The documents reflect the crime in registration . The ACB Thane has not taken any action on complaint inspite of no protection under section 17 A of PC act 1988 which do  not follow law to help well wishers. As per SC Order preliminary enquiry is mandatory in corruption case.  As corruption court is with session judge Shri Shete ADJ 1 Thane session  judge with ACB Thane Police station hear this matter for FIR  regi...

FIR नहीं लिखने पर भ्रष्टाचार के केस में फॅसे dewas थाना प्रभारी

SHO MUKESH IJJARDAR NOT CONDUCTED PRELIMINARY ENQUIRY WITHIN 14 DAYS AS PER SC ORDER IN LALITA KUMARI CASE, NO DIARY NUMBER ISSUED SINCE JUNE 2021. TRANSFERED COGNIZABLE OFFENCE COMPLAINT TO EDUCATION DEPARTMENT WHICH IS DERELICTION OF DUTY CORRUPTION COURT HAS POWER TO ORDER FIR UNDER PC ACT 1988 FOR CORRUPTION AND MISCONDUCT ie. SECTION 7 AND 13  NO PERMISSION REQUIRED UNDER SECTION 17A AS PUBLIC SERVANT IS NOT OBEYING LAW AND ATTEMPTING TO BRIBE . ADJ WILL PASS INTERIM ORDER IN NEXT DATE Dewas MP State : BNP थाना प्रभारी Mukesh  ijjardar TI , पर Prevention Of Corruption Act के  section 7 और 13 में Corruption court में CRPC 156 के तहत केस दायर हुआ।   कल  session judge ADJ 1 Shri Manish Singh Thakur ने सुनवाई की।  कोर्ट को बताया गया की डेढ़ साल से थाना प्रभारी Central Malwa acadamy School से घूस लेकर FIR नहीं दर्ज़ कर रहा है और उसके पास कई  आय से अधिक संपाति है। Central Malwa acadamy School फ़र्ज़ी बोर्ड ICSE चला  रहा  और उसको सरकार  स...

CBSE DAV Public School Thane Have No Fire NOC

  Thane : The DAV Public School Thane has not taken Final Fire NOC as per section 3 of MFPLSA ie Fire act. They have taken just fire safety certificate with one year time limit to do compliance.  By using fraud tactis they have got CBSE affilation . Students should check the occupation certificate of building as per maharashtra Municipal act . Complaint has been registered to TMC Fire to take action for students safety. Devendra Kumar v. State of Uttaranchal, (2013) 9 SCC 363 paragraphs-13, 14, 15, 18 and 25 has held as under :-   13. It is a settled proposition of law that where an applicant gets an office by misrepresenting the facts or by playing fraud upon the competent authority, such an order cannot be sustained in the eye of the law. “Fraud avoids all judicial acts, ecclesiastical or temporal.” (Vide S.P. Chengalvaraya Naidu v. Jagannath.) In Lazarus Estates Ltd. v. Beasley the Court observed without equivocation that: (QB p. 712) “… No judgment of a court, no or...


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