Mumbai : As per RTI information received from Central railway Mumbai division ie Mumbai CST to Kasara/Karjat there are 129 private shops in railway zone . The total rent of 129 shops are Rs 1.10cr ie Rs 2500 per month approx of each . The same private shops in private zone is rented for 15-20k from at Bhandup west. Why these railway is doing charity to these shop owner? Are they giving discount to railway passenger . Final Status of DRMOM/R/2017/50069 Applicant Name SK Shrivastava Date of receipt 06/08/2017 Request Filed With DRM Office, Central Railway, Mumbai Text of Application As per RTI Reply by DRM works Shri RK Jain (LM) there are 129 commercial shops at Mumbai Division RTI question 1. Amount of rent paid /license fees Of each shop as on in Jan 2005, Jan 2010,Jan2015& Aug 2017 (Per Month License fees) 2. Total amount of license fees pending or unpaid of each shop with date of last payment. 3. Date of issuance license to each shop with period of ren...