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Showing posts from March, 2020

West Bengal Corona: Every Day 2 Lac Litre Milk Wastage Due To Closed Sweet Shops

RASGULLA SHOPS ARE SHUT DOWN IN WEST BENGAL. DEMAND OF MILK REDUCED. MILK PRODUCERS ARE DISPOSING MILK IN ROADS.... पश्चिम बंगाल और रसगुल्ला एक-दूसरे के पर्याय माने जाते हैं. लेकिन कोरोना की वजह से मिठाई की दुकानें बंद हो जाने की वजह से जहां पहली बार रसगुल्ला और संदेश जैसी लोकप्रिय मिठाइयां बाजारों और आम बंगाली के घरों से गायब हो चुकी है वहीं इसके चलते रोजाना औसतन दो लाख लीटर दूध नालों में बहाना पड़ रहा है. राज्य में आमतौर पर ताजा दूध के कुल उत्पादन में से लगभग 60 फीसदी की खपत मिठाई की दुकानों में ही होती थी. लेकिन लॉकडाउन के चलते इन दुकानों के बंद होने से डेयरी उद्योग को रोजाना 50 करोड़ का नुकसान झेलना पड़ रहा है. अब मिठाई निर्माताओं के संगठन पश्चिम बंग मिष्ठान व्यवसायी समिति ने राज्य सरकार को पत्र लिख कर मिठाई की दुकानों को लॉकडाउन से छूट देने की अपील की है. दूध की बर्बादी के चलते मचे हाहाकार के बाद पश्चिम बंगाल सरकार ने मिठाई विक्रेताओं के अनुरोध पर मंगलवार को दोपहर 12 से चार बजे के बीच छोटी दुकानों को खोलने की अनुमति दे दी है. लेकिन इसके लिए दुकानादरों को सुरक्षा उप...

How to Win The Lost Case In The Court? Open Lost Case For Justice

STILL THE DEFEATED CASE CAN BE WIN AFTER SEVERAL YEARS In India many litigants lose case inspite of merit in petition and judge pass adverse order in the interest of opponent.  Cause Of Defeat: 1. The Opponent Advocate have high face value . 2. The Judge may be bias . 3. The Judge may have bypassed the provisions of Supreme Court . 4. The Judge do not include points of party in order and pass order without placing such points in order in the interest of opponent.  5. Many times the party got proof after the order which can be use to win the lost case. 6. Many times the Judge pass order against the law and guidelines of government to  increase disposal rate for promotion. 7. This tools are not used by advocates to avoid conflict with judges in the interest of other clients. No Need to appeal such matter in High Court or Supreme Court. Such cases can be reopen at any time to get justice . Party can reopen the case and get justice . Many PILs, W...

Corona Virus killed 1.5cr In China ? Mobile Data Showing Real Figure.....

IS CHINA HIDING THE REAL NUMBER OF DEATH DUE TO CORONA VIRUS? 1.5 cr ACTIVE SIM CARDS GOT OFF.... Fact Check: Over 10 Million Deaths In China From Coronavirus? Is China Hiding The Real Facts? Breakdown Of The Viral News Claim: Coronavirus Has Claimed Over 10 Million Lives In China And The Chinese Government Is Hiding The Real Facts Coronavirus has emerged as severe issue overtime for the whole world, with no proper treatment available, the virus has so far resulted in deaths of 12,000 people all over the globe. Italy leads the chart with 4,000+ deaths, followed by China where 3,255 people have been declared dead so far. With a mortality rate of 11%, the virus has been labeled as Global Health Emergency by WHO. As cases continue to spike all across the globe, a tabloid has claimed that Chinese officials are hiding real facts from the other countries, and the number of people who have died from the deadly virus is over 10 Million. The tabloid seeks the help of network ser...

पाकिस्तान मे FOOD VEGETABLE TAX ......

पाकिस्तान के फेडरल बोर्ड ऑफ रेवेन्यू से मिले आंकड़ों के मुताबिक, टमाटर के इंपोर्ट पर 5.5% इनकम टैक्स की वसूली कर रहा है। जबकि, सब्जियों पर कोई कस्टम ड्यूटी नहीं है। इसके अलावा सरकार प्याज के इंपोर्ट पर 20% सेल्स टैक्स और 5.5% इनकम टैक्स लगाती है। इसके साथ ही सरकार आलू के इंपोर्ट पर भी 25% कस्टम ड्यूटी, 17% सेल्स टैक्स और 5.5% इनकम टैक्स वसूली की जा रही है। सरकार ने गेहूं पर 60%, गेहूं के आटे पर 25%, चीनी पर 40% और बोनलैस मीट (फ्रोजन) पर 5% टैक्स लगाया है। इन सबके अलावा दालों पर भी 2% इनकम टैक्स लगता है।

IBA Demand Hearing By Video Confrence Due To Corona

REQUEST TO USE TECHNOLOGY TO DEFEAT CORONA. VIDEO CONFERENCING WILL BRING TRANSPARENCY IN COURT. Hon. Chief Justice & other Hon. Puisne Judges of Bombay High Court, District – Mumbai Re: Requesting hearing of court-proceedings/mentioning thru electronic means/audio-video conferencing etc… Respected Sir; A.   In view of the heightened threat of CORONA, bringing the entire nation at a stand still. Crowded court-rooms are an open invitation to COVID - 19. Numerous of our Hon. Judges, Sr. Advocates & Litigants are in the age group making them most vulnerable to the ‘Virus Attack’. The only thing we can do is social distancing and we’ve the technological wherewithal to implement the same and also carry-out the court proceedings, thru e-mail/e-filing/video-conferencing of court proceedings et al… which will not only solve the problem of overcrowding of Courts-Rooms but importantly will reduce pollution since travelling would get reduced and persons across the h...

PIL: Bombay High Court Issued Notice to Liqour Shops License Without Fire NOC

imaginary Mumbai: In a PIL at Bombay High Court the Chief Justice Bench issued notice to Excise department to reply that Why Fire Compliance is avoided in issuance licenses to bar and restaurants, Wine Shops , Bear Shops ETC 42 types of licenses. The Collector committees issue licenses without Final Fire NOC which is violation of Fire Act 2006. Most of the shops and bars are in illegal structures . At Mumbai no bar is having Final fire NOC including 5 star Hotels. All are operating on provisional NOC or Form B issued by licensed agents. The petitioner Sapan Shrivastava requested the court to take action against authority to comply rule of law in the interest of citizens. The State excise directed to file reply by April end 2020. As per law Occupation certificate and various installation is required for Final fire NOC. Most of the structures are illegal and not having space to comply norms. The liqour is inflammable item so risk of fire is very high.


Mumbai: Corona virus effect , Maharashtra government has banned visitors at mantralaya where the officers and ministers sit. From today no gate pass is issued by 2pm to any visitors. Only dispatch is working at mantralaya. 

Pune : Income Tax Conducted 26 Raids In Pune 2017-2019

Pune: Income tax investigation replied in RTI query that they have conducted 26 raids and search at Pune region from 2017-2019. The Pune divison officers are honest than other region. The Mumbai , Thane , Bhopal region did not ready to share the numbers in RTI . They are blocking the information from public and doing unofficial raids to fill their pockets. These information should be published in website and the report also after the completion.

Five Star Hotels Are Not Having Fire NOC!

 MINISTRY OF TOURISM IS APPROVING STAR HOTELS WITHOUT OCCUPATION CERTIFICATE AND FINAL FIRE NOC Mumbai: The ITC Grand Central and Trident Hotels are  having Fire NOC or not the govt authorities are hiding important information. The ministry of tourism providing star classification are affilating without Occupation certificate and Final fire NOC. They are not providing information in RTI to prevent corrupt officers. The ITC Grand central Hotel is having provisional OC but no fire NOC. The municipal authorities are also not providing information and asking CTS number. If these hotels are really not doing compliance then the consumers life is really in danger.

IPC 219: How to Punish Judge Under IPC For Wrong Judgement?

New Delhi: Many times the clients says that the judicial officer knowingly passed wrong order which is  against the law to harass litigant or save well wishers. The Judge may be bias with the client or advocate and issue process to abuse the process of law. He also know that in long term he will be acquitted . To punish such judicial officers who are passing judgment with ill will and in prejudice attitude and their order seems primefacie  wrong then they also can be prosecuted under IPC 219. It Should not be used against honest Judges . Many judges are honest and they dont pass any order contrary to the law. Few exceptional judges are thinking that they are above the law passing order against supreme court rulings. The advocates will not use this section, so clients must prosecute as party in person. The advocates have interest of other clients so they will not fight against judges community. Donot not use indecent remark in pleading , applicant should proceed as per ap...