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Showing posts from December, 2018

CORRUPTION: Income Tax Canteen Mumbai overcharging Customers with the help Of Officers

Mumbai: Income Tax Canteen at Churchgate Mumbai is overcharging from non employees. They are charging more rates from visitors. No welfare officer is taking any objection of this illegal activity. Canteen manager asking I Card for discount rates. In RTI also they deny information and hiding information because it can hurt the national secrecy, The corruption in personal department headed by Nimesh Yadav Addl Commissioner Income tax is in peak. The contract to canteen and space to non official purpose are given after taking bribe. The public property has been misused and loss of huge revenue.    RTI APPEAL COMMENT AND REPLY APPEAL :The office space of Income Tax is of public property. The canteen is doing discrimination with visitors and charging high rate. Same canteen have discounted rate list for income tax staff. It is violation of article 14 ie law of equality. The servants are getting discount and owners are getting robbed . The PIO is hand in the gloves of law violators.

Only 60% Mobile Towers Can Support 5G Network.....

78000Cr Revenue By Internet Users, Only 25% Towers Have Optical Fiber Connections In India. भारत में तेजी से बढ़ रही इंटरनेट कनेक्टिविटी न सिर्फ सूचनाओं के आदान-प्रदान को आसान बनाएगी, बल्कि यह सरकार के राजस्व को बढ़ाने में भी मददगार साबित होगी। एक अध्ययन के मुताबिक वर्ष 2022 तक इंटरनेट ऑफ थिंग्स (आईओटी) से राजस्व में करीब 78 हजार करोड़ रुपये का इजाफा हो सकेगा। एसोचैम-अर्नस्ट एंड यंग (एवाई) की साझा रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि भारत में वर्ष 2022 तक इंटरनेट ऑफ थिंग्स के करीब दो अरब कनेक्शन होंगे और इससे 11.1 बिलियन डॉलर (करीब 78 हजार करोड़ रुपये) के राजस्व की प्राप्ति होगी। फास्ट फारवर्ड इंडिया 2022 नाम से जारी इस रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि देश में प्रति सेकंड करीब 5 नए मोबाइल कनेक्शन इंटरनेट की ताकत से जुड़ेंगे। इसके अलावा करीब 50 फीसदी घर ब्रॉडबैंड की फिक्स्ड लाइन सेवा से जुड़ जाएंगे। रिपोर्ट के अनुसार, इंटरनेट कनेक्टिविटी इंसानों तक ही सीमित नहीं रहेगी, बल्कि इसकी पहुंच मशीनों, वाहनों, घरेलू उपयोग के सामानों तक भी हो जाएगी। ऐसे यह आंकड़ा दो अरब के पार चला जाएगा और हजारों करोड़

Bombay High Court: No Space For Party In Persons But Free For Advocates Associations!

खैरात में बाट दी सरकारी सम्पत्ति अफसरों ने, देश को करोड़ों का चूना लगाया गया... Mumbai: The Bombay High Court administration deny space for party in persons and advice to use public place. But they have provided huge space for bar associations and their canteens in very nominal rate. The party in persons have no space for filing petitions and gathering. Administration believe that party in persons have no right in court premises . Advocates associations doing business using premises in almost free of cost. Such discrimination by authority endangering democracy for poor people. Loss of market rent also hitting balance sheet of High court expenses.

Huge Corruption In SBI Valuers Empanelment Mumbai.

जनता के सेवक ही धोखाधड़ी में शामिल घूस लेकर की जाती है valuers appointment  Mumbai: Complaint has been registered at State Bank Of India for irregularities in valuers empanelment for immovable and Plant & Machinery segment. The SBI Valuation department lead by Kaushal Sharma and others are not publishing empanel list on website. In RTI also they deny information. The branches are also not having valuers empanel list. The empanelment process is full of corruption and only body corporates are getting SBI empanel letters. Most of the work is assigned to body corporates and dear ones of Kaushal Sharma team. There is no balance in assignment of job to every valuer. The other banks publish their official valuers list on website ,but SBI Bandra Office hide such list from public to favour illegal valuers . Many illegal valuers are doing valuation in SBI and later their loans get laps. These illegal valuers issue valuation report as per client requirement and earn huge commission. A

मोबाइल blast से सोते हुए ज़िंदा जल गया आदमी , MOBILE In Pocket Is Dangerous....

SHOCKING: जेब में मोबाइल रखकर सोया, ब्लास्ट से जिंदा जल गया शख्स GOT MOBILE FROM GOVT SCHEME उदयपुर।  मोबाइल फोन के साथ लापरवाही बहुत भारी पड़ सकती है। राजस्थान के उदयपुर में ऐसा ही चौंकाने वाला मामला सामने आया है। जानकारी के मुताबिक, उदयपुर के पास नटवलगढ़ गांव में 60 साल के किशोर सिंह की मोबाइल ब्लास्ट से मौत हो गई। किशोर अपने शर्ट की जेब में मोबाइल रखते थे। घटना वाली रात वे सोते समय जेब से मोबाइल निकालना भूल गए।सोने से मोबाइल दबता रहा और गर्म हो गया। देर रात करीब 2.30 बजे वे टॉयलेट जाने के उठे और जैसे ही लौटे, मोबाइल में ब्लास्ट हो गया। धमाके से उनके कपड़ों में आग लग गई। पास के कमरे में सोए परिजन कुछ समझ पाते इससे पहले किशोर का शरीर का ज्यादातर हिस्सा जल चुका था। उन्हें तत्काल अस्पताल ले जाया गया, जहां डॉक्टरों ने मृत घोषित कर दिया।परिजन ने पुलिस को बताया कि किशोर ने कुछ दिन पहले ही सरकारी योजना के तहत 1100 रुपए चुकाकर मोबाइल कनेक्शन लिया था।

Bombay High Court Hiding Judges Educational Biodata from Public

Mumbai: As there are many educational boards and universities are illegal then also the Bombay High Court administration is hiding Judges school boards and universities details. As Ministry Of HRD declared ICSE and Cambridge board illegal then it is the responsibility of state to check the qualification of top position officers and judicial staff. At Bombay High Court few judges  & many judicial staff accepted that they have passed from ICSE board  but the administration is hiding key information from public. There is complaint pending at Honorable CJ office for Justice Bhushan Gavai about school board . Justice Bhushan Gavai admitted in open court that he has been passed from ICSE board but nothing has been done since past 6 months. The information is also denied in RTI and website have no such detail information. As per in house procedure CJ should complete preliminary investigation but it is pending since long time.

RTI ACT file Inspection Allowed On Monday Only at Maharashtra

Mumbai: As per new GR of Maharashtra goverment the file inspection is only allowed on Monday from 3pm to 5pm. Now public can not visit anytime for file inspection. 

NOTA:BJP lost Government Due To NOTA Vote

UPPER CAST VOTED FOR NOTA DUE TO SC-ST ACT *आज समझ मे आ रहा होगा कि नोटा दबाने का क्या मतलब होता है*, आइये नोटा का कुछ  चौकाने वाले परिणाम देखते है। 👇 (M.P ) Biaora- Congress - 75569 BJP - 74743 यहा  बीजेपी को जीत के लिए चाहिए थे मात्र - 827 और Nota वोट - 1481 2.BURHANPUR- Independent-98561 BJP- 93441 फर्क मात्र - 5120 और Nota को Vote - 5726 .. 3.Damoh- Congress 78326 BJP 77675 फर्क मात्र - 651 और Nota को Vote - 1291 .. 4.GUNNOUR- Congress 57658 BJP - 55674 फर्क मात्र - 1985 और Nota को Vote- 3734 .. 5.JABALPUR North- Congress 50045 BJP - 49467 फर्क मात्र - 578 और Nota को Vote- 1209 .. 6. JOBAT- Congress 46067 BJP - 44011 फर्क मात्र - 2057 और Nota को Vote- 5139 .. 7.MANDHATA- Congress 71228 BJP - 69992 फर्क मात्र - 1237 और Nota को Vote-1575 .. 8.NEPANAGAR- Congress 85320 BJP - 84056 फर्क मात्र - 1265 और Nota को Vote- 2551 .. 9.PETLAWAD- Congress 93425 BJP - 88425 फर्क मात्र - 5000 और Nota को Vote- 5148 .. 10.R

Bar Council Of India Have No Data Of Advocate Complaint Received from Bar Council of Maharashtra and Goa

CENTRAL OFFICE OF ADVOCATE REGULATOR DOES NOT MAINTAIN COMPLAINT DATA AS PER RULE STATE COMPLAINT GET TRANSFERRED TO BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA AFTER 1 YEAR IF NOT DISPOSED. Advocates Act, 1961 36B. Disposal of disciplinary proceedings- (1) The disciplinary committee of a State Bar Council shall dispose of the complaint received by it under Section 35 expeditiously and in each cash the proceedings shall be concluded within a period of one year from the date of the receipt of the complaint or the date of initiation of the proceedings at the instance of the State Bar Council, as the case may be, failing which such proceedings shall stand transferred to the Bar Council of India which may dipose of the same as if it were a proceeding withdrawn for inquiry under sub section (2) of section 36. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub section (1) where on the commencement of the Advocates (Amendment) Act, 1973, any proceedings in respect of any disciplinary matter against an adv

Undemocratic Planning By Bombay High Court to Ban Entry of Unwanted People Like SC!

10k APPROX. PEOPLE VISITING DAILY AT BOMBAY HIGH COURT IS NORMAL NUMBER IN 2000 APPROX LISTED MATTERS. PUBLIC IS PAYING COST TO RUN HIGH COURT INFRASTRUCTURE AND SALARIES. Mumbai:As per police daily foot fall at Bombay High court is 10000 approx. So authorities are planing to restrict entry of peoples who have no matters. In future public may have to take NOC from advocates and court staff for entry.  The police data of 10000 people foot fall is in dispute. Many times hundreds of people make multiple entry at High court due to many work (Stamp purchase, zerox, advocate office visit etc). Around 25 benches are active and daily 100 matters approx listed with each bench, so 3 -4 people including advocate,petitioner, respondents, govt staff is not so huge number. In order to restrict entry of citizens , the court should work on speedy disposals. Many judges listen only 20-30 matter daily out of 100 matters and also few judges finish there board by 5 pm. Judges should also u

Google ने 500 रुपये में लांच किया 4G फीचर फोन, जियो फोन को मिलेगी टक्कर

टेक्नोलॉजी की दिग्गत कंपनी गूगल ने चुपके से 4जी फीचर फोन लांच कर दिया है। गूगल के इस 4जी फीचर फोन का नाम WizPhone WP006 है। गूगल के पहले 4जी फीचर की सीधी टक्कर जियो फोन और जियो फोन 2 से होने वाली है। तो आइए जानते हैं गूगल के पहले 4जी फीचर फोन WizPhone WP006 की खासियतों के बारे में। गूगल WizPhone WP006 की स्पेसिफिकेशन गूगल के विजफोन डब्ल्यूपी006 में KaiOS ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम दिया गया है। गूगल WizPhone WP006 फोन में जियो फोन की तरह व्हाट्सऐप, फेसबुक और यूट्यूब जैसे ऐप भी काम करेंगे। इसमें 2.4 इंच की डिस्प्ले मिलेगी। इस फोन में 1800mAh की बैटरी है। इसके अलावा फोन में क्वॉलकॉम का स्नैपड्रैगन 205 (MSM8905) प्रोसेसर, 512 एमबी रैम व 4 जीबी की स्टोरेज मिलेगी जिसे मेमोरी कार्ड की मदद से बढ़ाया जा सकेगा। फोन में 2 मेगापिक्सल का रियर और 2 मेगापिक्सल का फ्रंट कैमरा है। बता दें कि जियो फोन में भी काई ओएस ही है। गूगल ने अपने 4जी फीचर फोन को फिलहाल इंडोनेशिया में लांच किया है और भारत में इसकी लांचिंग की अभी कोई खबर नहीं है। गूगल के WizPhone WP006 की कीमत IDR 99,000 यानि करीब 500 रुपये है। इस

Complaint Of Vastukala Consultants Pvt Ltd. At Income Tax Mumbai

Mumbai: Income Tax Adl CIT HQ conducting investigation of valuation license of Vastukala Consultant (I) Pvt LTD , Andheri Mumbai. As per Wealth tax norms body corporate can not do valuation business. The company is in panel of many leading banks. As per law Income tax can not issue any valuer license to company. Soon the report will be available to complainant. SBI has also received complaint challenging valuation business of aforesaid company. There also matter is under investigation. As per ROC record Vastukala Consultants (i) Private Limited's Corporate Identification Number is (CIN) U74120MH2010PTC207869 and its registration number is 207869.Its Email address is and its registered address is Office No. 121, 1st Floor , Ackruti Star, Central Road, MIDC, Andheri (E), Mumbai Bandra Suburban MH 400093 IN ALSO READ;     Fraud Valuer: Vastukala Consultant Pvt Ltd Is not Registered Valuer By Income Tax  

MCGM Penalty for eating food in Hanging Garden Mumbai by Vindhyachal securities detective and child service Pvt Ltd

Mumbai Municipal Corporation Clean Marshal Penalising Rs 200 For Eating Food  Mumbai: Investigation has been started by MCGM - D ward Mumbai for penalty of Rs200 by Clean marshals at Hanging Garden , Walkeshwar Mumbai. Innocent tourist are coming to Mumbai and eat snacks inside the garden. The clean up marshals come and impose penalty of Rs200 on them because eating is not allowed inside garden. When reporter asked the copy of order then they say that it is pasted at gate. No such order issued and pasted at gate. MCGM  officer  AE (SWM) Shri Ranjandra Jagtap 9004445224  issued notice to Vindhyachal securities detective and child service Pvt Ltd, airoli , Mumbai.All this illegal penalty done to meet target and commission. No. Designation Name Contact No. Email 1 Asst Commissioner Shri Vishwas Mote 9167494003 2 Exec Engineer Shri Rajesh Dhole 9819154259 3 AE (Maintenance - I) Shri Mandar A Tari 9619929900 4 Shri Sur


Income Tax is conducting investigation of Valuation business without registration by    SUBHASH SHAH AND ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS PRIVATE LIMITED REGISTERED OFFICE 118 ,120, Mint back road, lunat mansion, 2nd floor,  Mumbai 400001. As per complaint the company can not do valuation business and the aforesaid company is doing valuation business since many year. The direction given by Adl CIT , HQ  to complete investigation as earliest. As per wealth tax act 1957 registration is mandatory for valuation job . Income Tax Comment : Kindly take necessary action and upload the action taken report at the earliest. The PAN of the assessee is AAACS5218B and assessed in the charge of Circle 2(3)(2), Mumbai.

Income Tax Officer Mumbai Contact Mobile Number

Disclaimer: Post Restructuring there has been reallocation of rooms pertaining to various charges as a result of which this directory does not mention location of rooms, telephone / fax nos.,  in certain number of charges. The same would be updated and published on final space allocation to various charges. Importantly, efforts have been made in compiling the Telephone Directory by collecting the relevant details from the field units. Mistakes / errors in this regard, if any may kindly be brought to the notice of this office i.e., DCIT(HQ) Admn., Mumbai through Fax No.022-22096738 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FOR MUMBAI REGION AS ON 04-09-2015 PRINCIPAL CHIEF COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX ROOM NO. 321, AAYAKAR BHAVAN, M.K. ROAD, MUMBAI-400020 Mobile or Cell Number  Designation Name of the officer Office Tel.No. Fax No location EPBX No Project Tarang No. Staff room ST Tel No Pr