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Showing posts from February, 2022

Ukraine: Comedian से President बने ज़ेलेंस्की

  यूक्रेन में एक हास्य अभिनेता  वोलोदिमीर जेलेंस्की  भारी भरकम वोटों के साथ राष्ट्रपति का चुनाव जीत लिया है। खास बात यह है कि इस हास्य अभिनेता के पास कोई राजनीतिक अनुभव भी नहीं है। जीत के बाद उन्हें अंतरराष्ट्रीय समुदाय से बधाई मिल रही है। सोमवार को जारी तकरीबन पूर्ण आधिकारिक परिणाम के अनुसार हास्य अभिनेता जेलेंस्की (41) ने 73.2 फीसद वोट हासिल कर वर्तमान राष्ट्रपति पेट्रो पोरोशेंको को हराया है। नाटकीय ढंग से बने राष्ट्रपति उन्होंने राष्ट्रपति बनने के लिए पारंपरिक रास्ता नहीं अपनाया. यूक्रेन के मध्य शहर किरीवयी रीह में यहूदी परिवार में पैदा हुए वोलोदोमीर ज़ेलेंस्की ने कीव नेशनल इकोनॉमिक यूनिवर्सिटी से क़ानून की डिग्री हासिल की. लेकिन, वास्तव में वो सफल कॉमेडी के क्षेत्र में सफल हुए. युवावस्था के दौरान वो रूसी टीवी पर कॉमेडी शो में नियमित तौर पर शामिल हुए. साल 2003 में उन्होंने एक टीवी प्रोडक्शन कंपनी बनाई जो उनकी कॉमेडी टीम केवार्ताल-95 के नाम पर थी. ये कामयाब रही. उनकी कंपनी ने यूक्रेन के 1+1 नेटवर्क के लिए शो प्रोड्यूस किए. इस कंपनी के विवादित अरबपति मालिक इहोर कोलोमोइस्...

Mumbai:रेलवे अधिकारियों ने जांच दबा दी।

 Issue Of Foreign Traveling By Sanjay Gupta Without Permission In Private Business क्या पैसे लेकर जांच रोक दी गई? Mumbai : Central Railway Law Chief Law Assistant Shailesh R Twade suppressed investigation of Sanjay Gupta . The order for inquiry was raised in Sept 2020 that accuse is visiting China without taking leave and permission for private business . The passport copy was demanded from Sanjay Gupta. After managing main COMPLAINANT in the matter Law department unofficially dropped investigation. Now complaint is raised on pg portal to complete investigation. There are allegation that top railway officials are reducing charges in chargesheet by taking bribe through middle men. Many persons are lobbying in railway to reduce charges and there fees starts from 50 k to 2 lacs.

Jabalpur Session Court Issued Notice In Sudha Hospital Registration Fraud FIR

  Jabalpur : Session court issued notice to Sudha Choubey of  Sudha Multispeciality Hospital And High Risk Pregnancy Centre in Wright Town Jabalpur and other Health officers in registration of FIR case . Applicant has filed case at JMFC for registration of FIR against hospital management for non compliance but JMFC directed to go High court for FIR. So applicant made appeal under section CRPC 397 . Later Session court issued notice to respondents as per principle of natural justice . Applicant has filed case as Sudha hospital is operating without fire NOC and it is crime under law with IPC 336,420,467,120b,166A,218 etc. Fire NOC and OC is mandatory document for hospital registration and they got license with fraud and dishonesty. The officers of health department has been made respondent for not taking action against Sudha Hospital . CNR Number MP 20 01 040727 2021 Case Type/Number/Year CRR/265/2021 Filing | Registration Date 16-11-2021 | 17-11-2021 Status Pending First Date L...

Case Filed For FIR Against Aditya Hospital Jabalpur Fire At Operation Theatre

  Jabalpur: Case Filed against Aditya Hospital management for operating without proper compliance of Fire NOC and OC. There was fire incidence on 30 Nov 21 at operation theatre of Aditya Hospital Jabalpur. Madan Mahal police did not registered FIR and doing enquiry in cognizable offence. So CRPC 156 complaint is filed at jabalpur court for registration of FIR under IPC 336,420,120,467 ,218,166A,etc against hospital management and DHO. Matter will be heard soon by JMFC Jabalpur. CNR Number MP 20 01 003917 2022 Case Type/Number/Year UN CR/417/2022 Filing | Registration Date 02-02-2022 | 04-02-2022 Status Pending First Date List 21-02-2022 Next Listed Date 21-02-2022 Stage of Case Miscellanceous matters not defined otherwise Court No. & Judge 70 - XII Civil Judge Class-II -  Arjit Dubey Petitioner 1.)SAPAN SHRIVASTAVA Respondent 1.)Dr. O.P. Sosodia 2.) Unknown 3.) Neeraj Verma 4.) State 5.) Neeraj Verma