Public can contact for their issues or complaint with BSE India Cell number 7021441369 Bombay Stock Exchange Compliance officer
Mumbai: SEBI did not reply to scores complaint and investors are worried about their investment . The Investor can file case at Securities Appellate Tribunal , Nariman Point , Mumbai for direction to SEBI Board to do enquiry and investigation. SEBI Investor cell giving whimsical reply to investor and other stake holders. Public can file Case before SAT and appear via Video Conference . Many investor book loss in Future and Option ie F&O and in shares . The SAT Court is only court across India. All Indians have to approach SAT Mumbai for remedy against SCORES reply, A djudicating officer order or Board order. The loss can be recover using legal remedy. Call 9702859636
🙏🏺कभी भी गिलास में पानी ना पियें, जानिए लोटे और गिलास के पानी में अंतर ⚱भारत में हजारों साल की पानी पीने की जो सभ्यता है वो गिलास नही है, ये गिलास जो है विदेशी है. गिलास भारत का नही है. गिलास यूरोप से आया. और यूरोप में पुर्तगाल से आया था. ये पुर्तगाली जबसे भारत देश में घुसे थे तब से गिलास में हम फंस गये. गिलास अपना (भारत का) नहीं हैं। अपना लोटा है. और लोटा कभी भी एकरेखीय नही होता. वागभट्ट जी कहते हैं कि जो बर्तन एकरेखीय हैं उनका त्याग कीजिये. वो काम के नही हैं. इसलिए गिलास का पानी पीना अच्छा नही माना जाता. लोटे का पानी पीना अच्छा माना जाता है. इस पोस्ट में हम गिलास और लोटे के पानी पर चर्चा करेंगे और दोनों में अंतर बताएँगे. ⚱ फर्क सीधा सा ये है कि आपको तो सबको पता ही है कि पानी को जहाँ धारण किया जाए, उसमे वैसे ही गुण उसमें आते है. पानी के अपने कोई गुण नहीं हैं. जिसमें डाल दो उसी के गुण आ जाते हैं. दही में मिला दो तो छाछ बन गया, तो वो दही के गुण ले लेगा. दूध में मिलाया तो दूध का गुण. ⚱ लोटे में पानी अगर रखा तो बर्तन का गुण आय...
Thane: There is huge irregularities in Natraj darshan Housing society construction. The Land is not transferred to society . The building construction documents are incomplete. No sanction certificate ie CC and OC is available . Flats are getting transferred via registry only . Registrar take extra money as building papers are not short. Flat owners are selling their flat due to this irregularities. Due to irregularities society will never go to redevelopment . Buyers to check documents with legal expert then buy any flat.
When Nalanda University was inaugurated by PM Modi yesterday, we must also remember what happened with this same University under PM Manmohan Singh in the UPA Era! When UPA government inaugurated Nalanda University in Bihar in 2007, Amartya Sen was made the first Chancellor of the university. A very important feature of his appointment was that he had all powers in the name of "autonomy". So much so that he did not even have to provide the account of money spent on anything to the government. Imagine a public servant spending any amount of taxpayers' money and yet exempt from any kind of accountability. Not only that, he was drawing a salary of ₹ 5 lakh per month - a university chancellor of a government university drawing a salary more than any other public servant. Apart from that, he had unlimited foreign trips allowances on taxpayers money by the virtue of being Nalanda University Chancellor. The story doesn't end here. During the 7 years (2007-2...