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Showing posts from November, 2014

Rs 10 billion Property Of Government Engineer Yadav Singh Caught Taking Bribe At Noida

Noida engineer Yadav Singh's dirty money empire falls: 20 raids expose 40 fake companies and a scam so huge it puts corrupt politicians to shame INCOME TAX RAID EXPOSED 1000 cr Black Money +5 Between Thursday and Friday, the Income Tax department raided over 20 properties of disgraced Noida engineer Yadav Singh Engineer Yadav Singh’s corruption has been so massive that Income Tax officials are yet to drill out the full detail of his ill-gotten wealth even after twenty raids.  The Income Tax department on Friday raided his residence at Noida’s Sector 51 and found cash worth Rs 10 crore and diamond and gold jewellery of around 2 kg.  Singh, meanwhile, was shunted out of the post of Chief Project Engineer and will no longer be looking after the three authorities of Noida, Greater Noida and Yamuna Expressway. A red-faced Uttar Pradesh government has shifted him to Noida’s CEO office till investigations against him are completed.  On Thursday, the...

FIR against Builder Hiranandani Builder for Cheating and Fraud

निसं, ठाणे: ठाणे शहर की वर्तक नगर पुलिस ने मुंबई के प्रतिष्ठित बिल्डर निरंजन हीरानंदानी, (डब्ल्यू जी फोर्ज ऐंड अलाइड इंडस्ट्रीज लि.) कंपनी के चेयरमैन तथा डायरेक्टरों सहित कुल 16 लोगों के खिलाफ धोखाधड़ी व ठगी का मामला दर्ज किया है। ठाणे शहर के कैसल मिल सर्कल निवासी दान बहादुर सिंह द्वारा पुलिस में दर्ज शिकायत के मुताबिक, कंपनी पर शेयरधारकों, कैस इन्वेस्टर, कामगारों का कंपनी पर पूर्ण अधिकार होने तथा कंपनी के लाभ में होने के बावजूद उसके नुकसान में होने की बात कहकर कंपनी को बंद कर दिया और सुनियोजित तरीके से उसकी बिक्री भी कर दी। बता दें कि वर्ष 1984 में कंपनी को बंद कर दिया गया था और उक्त कंपनी के 22 एकड़ प्लॉट को हीरानंदानी डिवेलपर को बेचा गया था, लेकिन कंपनी में कार्यरत कामगारों को उनके नुकसान की भरपाई नहीं दी गई। वर्तकनगर पुलिस के इंस्पेक्टर टेले मामले की जांच कर रहे हैं। Thane City Vartak Nagar Police station register FIR against Builder Niranjan Hiranandani ( WG Forge and Allied Industries Ltd) company chairman and directors with 16 people for cheating and forging . Complaint regi...

251 Liters Blood Wasted At Blood Bank Mumbai Last 2 years at Govt. GT Hospital

Mumbai :एक तरफ डेंगी के प्रकोप के चलते, शहर में प्राइवेट ब्लड बैंक ऊंची कीमतों में प्लेटलेट्स और ब्लड कम्पोनेंट बेच रहे हैं, वहीं दूसरी तरफ सरकारी अस्पताल इस बेशकीमती ब्लड को नाली में बहा रहे हैं। राज्य सरकार के साउथ मुंबई स्थित गोकुलदास तेजपाल अस्पताल (जीटी हॉस्पिटल)GT Hospital में, पिछले दो सालों में ब्लड बैंक की कुल 2,668 ब्लड (Blood )की बोतलों में से 717 बोतलें एक्सपायर हो चुकी हैं। बर्बादी की इंतहां... : एक आरटीआई के माध्यम से निकली इस जानकारी में यह साफ हुआ है कि साल 2014 में 31 अगस्त, तक इस अस्पताल में कुल 440 बोतल ब्लड इकट्ठा हुआ, जिनमें से 98 बोतल ब्लड एक्सपायर हो कर बर्बाद हो चुका है। गौरतलब है कि पिछले 2 सालों में इस अस्पताल में लगभग 3 लाख रुपये से ज्यादा कीमत का ब्लड बर्बाद हो चुका है। ब्लड की हो रही इस बर्बादी के बारे में आंकड़ों से पता चलता है कि लोगों द्वारा दी जाने वाली हर 4 बोतल ब्लड में से 1 बोतल एक्सपायर हो रही है। ब्लड की एक बोतल में लगभग 350 एमएल ब्लड आता है और पुरानी कीमतों के हिसाब से एक बैग की कीमत 450 रुपये है। ऐसे में सवाल उठता है कि लोगों की मदद के उद्देश्य ...

China is Building Air Strip In South China Sea

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Satellite images show China is building an island on a reef in the disputed Spratly Islands large enough to accommodate what could be its first offshore airstrip in the South China Sea, a leading defense publication said on Friday. The construction has stoked concern that China may be converting disputed territory in the mineral-rich archipelago into military installations, adding to tensions waters also claimed by Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Brunei. IHS Jane's said images it had obtained showed the Chinese-built island on the Fiery Cross Reef to be at least 3,000 meters (1.9 miles) long and 200-300 meters (660-980 ft) wide, which it noted is "large enough to construct a runway and apron." The building work flies in the face of U.S. calls for a freeze in provocative activity in the South China Sea, one of Asia's biggest security issues. Concern is growing about an escalation in disputes even as claimants work to es...

Mumbai BJP MLA Sardar Tara Singh, Mulund Advertising On Public Property......

Mumbai Mulund MLA Sardar Tara Singh is making best use of MLA fund to advertise his name. Recently a private painter is caught in camera while writing his name on public property. Most MLAs  utilized MP LAD Fund  without carrying Jansabha.  Saradar Tara Singh MLA Mulund , Mumbai  is habitual to write his name where MLA fund  is used. All the roads, colony is full of his board with photo free of cost. This is never seen in other BJP MLA constituency. Billionaire MLA use this cheap practice using public property who pay taxes for getting amenities from public fund. A beggar also pay tax while purchasing biscuit but  don’t have capacity to write his name in public property because it is illegal to write personal name on public private.

Don't decide RTI appeals without hearing applicants: CIC

New Delhi: Deciding first appeals against RTI replies without hearing the appellant by a public authority is illegal, the  Central Information Commission  has said in its order against the Law Ministry. Under the Right to Information Act, an appellant gets a chance to appeal twice against the order of the Central Public Information Officer who receives and answers the application. The First Appeal is filed before an officer, senior to CPIO, within the department where application is filed. The Second appeal is filed before the Central Information Commission. It is a common practice that at the First Appeal stage, public authorities do not invite applicants for hearing and decide the case on the basis of appeal filed by them. The order of Information Commissioner Sridhar Acharyulu may help in curbing the practice of deciding the first appeals without giving a chance to the applicant to explain himself during the hearing. The case relates to number of RTI applica...

No Life Insurance Policy Got Approval Certificate From IRDA Govt. Regulator........-RTI Reply

None Of the life insurance policy got approval certificate because they don't clear all the objections while approving a plan raised by IRDA. In an RTI Reply IRDA said that they have no format of approval certificate on record. If no format is designed then they have not issued any approval certificate to any life insurance policy.  Read Details...... CLICK HERE