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Showing posts from January, 2014

Aadhar Card Compulsion Removed Due To Supreme Court Pressure....

Aadhar Card Not Compulsory For LPG Gas - Govt.Of India Aadhar card is not necessary for LPG connection . Govt. is going to wi thdraw the order which make compulsory of Aadhar card to connection holder. Citizen can also take 2 connection at same address if they have 2 different kitchen at same residence. Supreme court has taken objection of aadhar card compulsion for LPG connection few week back.

Umaria Municipal Chairman Fake Caste Certificate...

  Umaria (Madhya Pradesh) Municipal Chairman Kanchan Khattar Has No Caste Certificate!                                                                            18 Oct 2013    Reporter Umaria News : Ravi Vishwakarma Winner of Umaria Municipal Chairman Election candidate Ms Kanchan Khattar is from Sindhi society. The post of chairman Umaria Municipal is reserved for backward category . India RTI News reporter got grievance  from other candidates who fight for chairman Umaria Municipal election in 2013 Mr Rakesh Daradvanshi  and Amrit Lal Yadav .They claim that  Ms Kanchan Khattar is not having any OBC  certificate.  She was having influence with Umaria Collector Surendra Upadhaya  and Chief Municipal Officer Umaria Shailendra Chouhan 9...