जिला अदालते जिला स्तर और तालुका स्तर बिल्कुल ईमानदार, निडर और किसी भी दबाव से मुक्त काम करे - सुप्रीम कोर्ट JUDICIAL OFFICER WRONG ORDER AGAINST BINDING PUT REMARK ON SERVICE RECORD IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NO.8950 OF 2011 KRISHNA PRASAD VERMA (D) THR. LRS. APPELLANT(S) VERSUS STATE OF BIHAR & ORS. RESPONDENT(S) September 26, 2019 2 .Most litigants only come in contact with the District judiciary. They cannot afford to come to the High Court or the Supreme Court. For them the last word is the word of the Magistrate or at best the Sessions Judge. Therefore, it is equally important, if not more important, that the judiciary at the District Level and at the Taluka level is absolutely honest, fearless and free from any pressure and is able to decide cases only on the basis of the facts on file, uninfluenced by any pressure from any quarters whatsoever. 4. No doubt, there has to be zero tolerance for corruption and...