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IRDA: Wastage Of Policy Holders Money At Mumbai Office

मोदी सरकार की फ़िज़ूल ख़र्ची , जनता टैक्स से बेहाल 

सरकारी पैसे का भारी दुरुपयोग IRDAI Mumbai में!

 इस सन्देश को मोदी जी तक पहुचाने में हमारी मदद करे और इसे अपने मित्रो को fwd करे। आपको याद होगा कि पूर्व finance मिनिस्टर के भगत श्री विजयन को lic में irregulaties के बाद भी इरडा का चेयर मेन बनाया गया! RTI द्वारा प्राप्त जानकारी के अनुसार 2015 में इरडा नें 7500 sqft में 1cr खर्च कर मुम्बई में ऑफिस खोला। जिसका किराया और अन्य खर्च लगभग 20lac per month है। अब तक इस वैभवशाली कार्यालय में करीब 6 लोगो को पोस्ट किया था। यानी करीब 900sqft per employee काम करते है। मुम्बई में इतनी जगह 2 परिवार रह सकते है। कुछ करो मोदी जी .......

Final Status of   IRDAI/R/2017/50429

Top of Form
Applicant Name
Sapan Shrivastava
Date of receipt
Request Filed With
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
Text of Application
Information about IRDA regional office. Plz check enclosed file.
Request document (if any)
RTI REQUEST RECEIVED as on 06/09/2017
Date of Action

Information about regional office.
1. Do IRDAI has got two Regional Offices at Mumbai and Delhi. If yes, provide me the total area in
square feet of both the offices and also submit their full addresses.
2. Do IRDAI has got any plans to open any other Regional Offices. if yes, the details of the same be
3. Are these properties i.e. MRO and DRO owned or rented by IRDAI. If rented, from whom it was
taken on rent and submit copies of the lease deed for both the properties.
4. What was the total amount spent by IRDAI for renovating its Mumbai Regional Office (MRO) and
Delhi Regional Office(DRO) along with the year in which it was spent.
5. What is the monthly rent for the month of July, 2017 of MRO and DRO, Monthly standing
expenses like Security, House Keeping, Electricity and Water charges for that month for both
MRO and DRO.
6. How many employees are posted in MRO and DRO as on 1.7.17. Give the names and
designation of the officers posted there for both MRO and DRO. Please indicate in the list
whether the employee is full time officer/employee of IRDAI or contract or part time employee.
7. Whether any Board Resolution was passed before opening the MRO and DRO. If yes, copies of
the Board Resolution be submitted.
8. Provide me the date on which the MRO and DRO premises was taken on rent. Also provide me
the details of the annual rent paid for MRO and DRO for the years 2013, 2014, 2015 to July,
9. Provide me as on 1st July, 2017 how many departments are functioning from MRO and DRO
along with the names of the employees working in those departments.
10. Provide me the number of Officers/employees, MRO and DRO can accommodate. In other
words, how many work stations have been provided in MRO and DRO.
11. Provide me the names and designation of the In charge for Delhi and Mumbai ROs respectively.
12. Which Departments were supposed to function/operate from MRO and DRO when it was
envisaged to open a MRO and DRO by IRDAI.
13. Submit the number of employees posted in both MRO and DRO from 2012 year wise till 1st July,
14. What was the idea or intention behind opening of MRO and DRO by IRDAI and whether the
same has been achieved.
15. Whether any Papers were prepared by HR or Admin Department for placing before the Board of
IRDAI while putting this proposal and taking their approvals. if yes, copies of the same be
16. What is the sanctioned strength of both MRO and DRO and the criteria of arriving at it? Please
provide the breakup of the sanctioned strength cadre wise.
17. Please provide the supporting documents with respect to the point no. 15.
18. Whether the sanctioned strength has been approved by the board of the IRDAI ? If yes, please
provide a copy of the board approval/resolution.
19. Was Mr. A.R. Nithiyanatham, CGM posted to as In charge of MRO. If yes, did he join the MRO.
If yes, submit the dates he worked from MRO.
20. Where is Mr. A.R. Nithiyantham currently posted. What was the reasons for him not joining
MRO. Did he submit any representation for not joining MRO. If yes, copy of the same be

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