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Showing posts from October, 2016

India Exported 3.5Times to Pakistan- Analysing the trade relationship between Pakistan and India

KARACHI:  The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) consists of eight South Asian nations, namely Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Founded in 1985, the major goal of SAARC has been to promote economic and regional integration of the member states . However, political tensions between two of the largest members, Pakistan and India, have plagued SAARC ever since its inception. Recent events on the Pakistan-India border have forced the cancellation of the 19th SAARC Summit scheduled to be held in Islamabad in November. With recently imposed restrictions on cross-border exchange of artists, exhibition of movies and participation in cultural activities, other economic activities such as import and export of goods between the two countries risk being curtailed as well. Political tensions and uncertainties have economic consequences. The article will investigate what trade relations the two countries have enjoy...

Pakistan Media: 40.2% Pakistanis are Indian agents

Sensational exposé: Security leaks confirm 98.7% Pakistanis are foreign agents The leak has come in the shape of a hefty document prepared from sources which include various local and foreign intelligence agencies. The document/report claims that 98.7% Pakistanis are agents of one foreign intelligence agency or the other. According to the report, about 40.2% Pakistanis are Indian agents; 33.3% are American agents; 11% are British agents; 6.2% are Iranian agents; 3.1% are Afghan agents; 3% are dual Indian and American agents; 1.1% are Guatemalan agents; and at least one Pakistani is a Ugandan agent. Our investigation confirms that the report was leaked by the Ugandan agent after his monthly stipend was halted by the Ugandan government due to his failure to recruit Pakistanis other than himself. We are still trying to determine what Uganda’s intelligence agency wanted from him. But our initial inquiry suggests that it had something to do with mangoes. Before being leak...

ICICI Prudential Life Direct Marketing Insurance Policy Sales Illegal-RTI

Final Status of   PMOIN/R/2016/52729 Top of Form Applicant Name SK Shrivastava Date of receipt 14/09/2016 Request Filed With Prime Minister's Office Text of Application Many life insurance companies are selling policies by appointing employees on salary basis ie. by Direct marketing Channel RTI Question 1. What are the guidelines to sell policy by direct marketing channel (Copy) 2. Direct marketing channel is approved by IRDA, if so then copy of approval 3. Can a employee of Life insurance company sell policy without IRDA license(Section 42 type) if so then details of rule. Request document  (if any) Status RTI REQUEST RECEIVED   as on 14/09/2016 Date of Action 14/09/2016

BMC Website Shown Illegal Building As Legal, Statement in Court by BMC Officer-Fida House., Nagpada Mumbai

Builder Involved in Tampering BOMBAY MUNICIPAL BMC Website Mumbai: मुंबई के नागपाड़ा इलाके मे डंकन रोड पर स्तिथ 6 माले की इस अवैध बिल्डिंग को लेकर बीएमसी ने कोर्ट में बहुत बड़े फ़र्ज़ी वाड़े का खुलासा किया है बीएमसी ई-वार्ड में मौजूद बीएमसी अधिकारी सतीश मालेकर satish malekar ने बताया कि हमने Fida house , Nagpada , Mumbai में 3 माले से ऊपर बने अवैध 4,5 और 6 माले को लेकर नोटिस दी थी जिसके बाद उन्होंने इस मामले में सिटी सिविल कोर्ट से बिल्डर ने स्टे ऑर्डर लिया था जिसके बाद बीएमसी के कान खड़े होगए कि आखिर कोर्ट ने अवैध निर्माण को लेकर स्टे आर्डर दिया कैसे।बीएमसी ने पूरे मामले में जब छान बीन की तो पता चला कि फिदा हाउस मात्र 3 माले तक ही बना हुआ था उसके ऊपर बाकी बने अवैध निर्माण हैं जिसकी शुरआत बिल्डर ने 2009 से की है और साल 2016 में 5 और 6 माला भी अवैध बनाया और कोर्ट में 1958 के रिकॉर्ड के मुताबिक 3 माले की बनी इस बिल्डिंग को 6 माले का बताया जिसके बाद बीएमसी ने इस पूरे मामले गंभीरता से छानबीन शूरू करदी। बीएमसी की छानबीन में इस बात का पता चला कि बिल्डिर ने झूटे दस्तावेज़ के लिए बीएम...

मान्य स्तर से ज्यादा नमक खाते हैं भारतीय. INDIANS USE MORE SALT IN FOOD

More Salt Risk To BP Patients नई दिल्ली। भारतीय अपने खाने में विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (डब्ल्यूएचओ) द्वारा तय की गई मात्रा का दोगुना नमक लेते हैं। ज्यादा नमक खाने से हृदय रोग का खतरा बढ़ता है और समय से पहले मौत होने लगी है। जार्ज संस्थान की ओर से किए गए अध्ययन में कहा गया है कि 19 वर्ष से अधिक उम्र के लोग रोजाना 10.98 ग्राम नमक खाते हैं। डब्ल्यूएचओ ने रोजाना पांच ग्राम नमक के सेवन को ही उचित माना है। अध्ययन में कहा गया है कि देश के दक्षिणी और पूर्वी हिस्से के लोग नमक का सबसे ज्यादा इस्तेमाल करते हैं। त्रिपुरा में लोग रोजाना 14 ग्राम नमक खाते हैं। यह डब्ल्यूएचओ द्वारा तय मात्रा का तीन गुना है। अध्ययन करने वाले दल के प्रमुख क्लेरे जान्सन ने कहा, "पिछले 30 वर्षों के दौरान खानपान में बदलाव आया है। लोगों ने दाल, फल और सब्जियां खाना कम कर दिया है और प्रसंस्कृत और फास्ट फूड ज्यादा ले रहे हैं। इसका परिणाम यह है कि उनका भोजन अब नमक, शर्करा (चीनी) और नुकसानदेह वसा से भरा है। इस तरह के खाने से उच्च रक्तचाप, मोटापा और हर्ट अटैक एवं दिल का दौरा में तेजी आ गई है।" नमक...

Credit Information Report Charges Not More than Rs100- RBI In RTI Reply

Final Status of   RBIND/R/2016/52604 Applicant Name SK Shrivastava Date of receipt 25/09/2016 Request Filed With Reserve Bank of India Text of Application Credit Information companies(CIC) example CIBIL and other charges for Rs 550 or more for report. Many reports are of false name and address.   RTI question 1. Guidelines / Rule about charges about credit report to citizens (Copy) 2. Amount of Charges approved by RBI for report (Copy) 3. Guidelines about personal hearing by Credit Information Companies to be conducted before finalization negative report about citizen/ customer(copy) 4. Total number of CIC in India with name and personal hearing conducted every year ( 2010-2016) 5. Copy of guidelines to be followed in credit rating of customers. Request document  (if any) ...

CBSE: Other Board School Not Allowed In CBSE School Premises/Area-RTI

Final Status of   CBSED/R/2016/51454 Top of Form Applicant Name SK Shrivastava Date of receipt 09/09/2016 Request Filed With Central Board of Secondary Education Text of Application Many schools runs ICSE & CBSE board school in same premises and location. The Omkar School, Thane Maharashtra have similar case. RTI Question 1.Information that CBSE allow other board in CBSE school premises ( Copy of order) 2. Copy of Permission to operate ICSE board school at Omkar School with affiliation no. 1130508 (CBSE Premises) Request document  (if any) Status RTI REQUEST RECEIVED   as on 09/09/2016 Date of Action 09/09/2016 Many school open other board school which are already affiliated to C...