EXCISE MUMBAI INVOLVE IN HUGE CORRUPTION OF RENEWAL OF LICENSES OF LIQUOR SHOPS FL 2-4 COLLECTOR ISSUED LICENSE TO ILLEGAL STRUCTURE Mumbai: District Excise Committee is issuing liquor trade licenses in illegal structure and without Fire NOC. In Order to terminate license of wine shop the Excise Mumbai City office transfered complaint to MCGM for action. Collector , MCGM Commissioner, Police Commissioner , Superintendent Of Excise, CEO Zila Parishad etc are in district committee. The nexus is so strong that no action was taken by excise department for operation in illegal structure, without Fire NOC etc. As per complaint the shop was also selling alcohol to non permit holders , the excise superintendent AB Chaskar not ordered to check sales record with consumption permit number of customer. For each illegal sales and buy there is penalty of Rs 50000 approx with jail. The MCGM closed complaint by fining wine shop owner with penny amount. COMPLAINT Jo...