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Showing posts from December, 2016

Heart Patients Cheap Auyurvedic option

●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● ये याद रखिये की भारत मैं सबसे ज्यादा मौते कोलस्ट्रोल बढ़ने के कारण हार्ट अटैक से होती हैं। आप खुद अपने ही घर मैं ऐसे बहुत से लोगो को जानते होंगे जिनका वजन व कोलस्ट्रोल बढ़ा हुआ हे। अमेरिका की कईं बड़ी बड़ी कंपनिया भारत मैं दिल के रोगियों (heart patients) को अरबों की दवाई बेच रही हैं ! लेकिन अगर आपको कोई तकलीफ हुई तो डॉक्टर कहेगा angioplasty (एन्जीओप्लास्टी) करवाओ। इस ऑपरेशन मे डॉक्टर दिल की नली में एक spring डालते हैं जिसे stent कहते हैं। यह stent अमेरिका में बनता है और इसका cost of production सिर्फ 3 डॉलर (रू.150-180) है। इसी stent को भारत मे लाकर 3-5 लाख रूपए मे बेचा जाता है व आपको लूटा जाता है।  डॉक्टरों को लाखों रूपए का commission मिलता है इसलिए व आपसे बार बार कहता है कि angioplasty करवाओ। Cholestrol, BP ya heart attack आने की मुख्य वजह है, Angioplasty ऑपरेशन। यह कभी किसी का सफल नहीं होता। क्यूँकी डॉक्टर, जो spring दिल की नली मे डालता है वह बिलकुल pen की spring की तरह होती है। कुछ ही महीनो में उस spring की दोनों साइडों पर आगे व...

Royalty Penalty of Rs 239cr To Supreme Infrastructure India Ltd

Palghar: District collector penalize Rs 125cr approx. to Supreme Infra for royalty theft at BHIWANDI WADA MANOR highway construction. Company not paid royalty and farmers compensation so total penalty is more than 250cr. The project srarted in 2010. In what is being said to be the strictest such action, Palghar collector Abhijeet Bangar has fined a highway construction company Rs 247 crore for stealing sand and gravel. In an order dated December 8, 2016, the collector gave Supreme Infrastructure India Ltd, which built the Manor-Wada-Bhiwandi state highway in 2013, a month's time to cough up the penalty. The move came after local activist Nilesh Sambare went on a fast unto death last August to draw the attention of the authorities to incomplete project work and poor road quality leading to accidents and loss of life. “I am happy with ...

IRDAI Legal Team Submitting Fake Statement In Court........

IRDA का वकील कोर्ट में झूठ बोलता है और Corrupt अधिकारिओ को बचाता है  Mumbai: A public Interest Litigation was filed at Bombay High Court that ICICI Prudential Life is selling policies without approval certificate. Insurance regulator IRDAI was main respondent in the PIL in 61/2013. IRDAI  Ananthakrishnan , General Manager,  Legal  & TAC   hired advocate Daya Gupta from Mumbai with high fees. The VP was filed in the name of Advocate Daya Gupta by Ananthakrishnan GM Legal. In the court Daya Gupta sent his juniors Mr Paritosh Jaiswal and Ms Harshada Nagare and they gave statement that Insurance Policies approval certificate is uploaded in website,but in RTI reply they said they have no format of approval certificate. It has been observed that VP has been filed in Daya Gupta but he never represent IRDAI personally. He is sending his juniors or companion to represent IRDAI. For high fees this is trick to sign VP of Top advocate and get service of juni...

General Manager Central Railway Use Rs 15-17 Lacs Private Vehicles

सरकारी धन की मौज मस्ती  Samson Mathew protocol Officer Central Railway Central Railway General Manager use Rs 15-17 lac private vehicle for official use other than railway cars . In-spite of free train facility , official railway car they also pay huge amount of private cars for undisclosed use. It is wastage of public fund by Central railway General manager.  The information received by RTI By Samson Mathew CR Protocol Officer cum Assistant Secretary. 

Kalyan Dombivli Illegal Construction PIL at High Court In Sleep Mode Since 2009

Kalyan: PIL filed at Bombay High Court By  KAUSTUBHA DATTATRAYA GOKHALE & ANR.  V/S  STATE OF MAHARASHTRA & ORS. with number  PIL/10/2004 has not come on board for hearing since last 7 years. Last effective hearing was done on Nov 2009. Kalyan Dombivli Municipal Commissioners identifies thousands of illegal constructions in different wards . Court has asked to make committee to execute the demolition of illegal structure but since 7 years it did not came on board . Neither Petitioner nor KDMC Shown interest to demolish illegal structure. Few Said both may have done some settlement to stop action.More than 2.5cr expense by state government to identify 23k illegal structure in 2007. DOWNLOAD COPY OF ORDER BY BOMBAY HIGH COURT

India has about 6 Lacs VIPs, UK Has 84 VIPs....!

VIP/VVIPs in the world Country                                           No. of VIP/VVIPs England                                               84 France                                                109 Japan                                                 125 Germany                                            142 Australia                        ...

ICICI Prudential Not Got Final SEBI Clearance For IPO........!

Mumbai: ICICI Prudential life IPO launched in Sept 2016 has many disputes. As per SEBI observation on 2nd Sept 2016 so many documents where demanded in observation letter but the real picture is still not clear. The SEBI has hided vital information about SEBI final clearance in RTI Reply in employees and corporate interest.  Applicant is waiting for physical reply about partially cleared and hided information details Final Status of   SEBIH/R/2016/50140 Top of Form Applicant Name Sapan Shrivastava Date of receipt 02/12/2016 Request Filed With Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Head Office Text of Application SEBI has given observation to ICICI Prudential Life IPO on 02 Sept 2016. In Observation letter issued to DSP Merrill Lynch Limited severalobjections/ points was raised by SEBI. RTI Question 1.Copy of all the documents/letter/enclosure rel...

Filtered Oil Better Than Refined Oil For Health..,

रिफाइंड oil के तत्व जल जाते है साफ़ करने में, filtered oil शरीर को लाभ देता है क्योकि उसको जलाते नही. Refined Oil में भारी मात्रा में Chemical इस्तेमाल होता है... We consume cooking oil almost every day in our major meals. But do we put in adequate thoughts in selecting the right kind? How often do you read the label or see how pure the oil is? There are different varieties of oil in the market. The two distinct choices are – refined and filtered. Dietician  Neha Chandna  helps decode which is the healthier option. What are filtered oils? Filtered oils are oils filtered through strainers or others equipments to remove the solid particles and contaminants from the oil but no chemicals are used in the process. They are generally dark and cloudy in appearance and have a peculiar seed smell from which they are extracted. What are refined oils? Refined oils are generally treated with chemicals to further rid the oil from impurities, odour and give it a more clea...

LIC Direct sales is illegal & IRDAI have No Guidelines For Directs sales- RTI

IRDAI HAS NO DIRECT MARKETING GUIDELINES BUT LIC & OTHERS SELLING POLICIES. ONLINE POLICY SALES ARE ALSO ILLEGAL AS IRDAI HAS NO SUCH RULES TO SELL POLICY VIA WEBSITE WITHOUT AGENT Final Status of   LICOI/R/2016/80610 Applicant Name Sapan Shrivastava Date of receipt 18/11/2016 Request Filed With LIC Central Office: Mumbai Text of Application Information required about Direct sales/ Marketing procedure adopted by Life Insurance companies. RTI Question 1. Guidelines to sell policies by Direct sales. 2. Number and Amount of Polices sold by different life insurance companies by Direct Sales 2011-2016 (year Wise) Request document  (if any) Status REQUEST DISPOSED OF  as on 03/12/2016 Date of Action 03/12/2016 Remarks Reply :-  Please refer the attachment. Reply Document