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Showing posts from December, 2017

Mumbai Hotel Fire: Police Complaint against MCGM Health Officer and Assistant Commissioner

MOH G South and Assistant Commissioner Issuing Eating House License Without Fire NOC. 304 (२) गैर इरादतन हत्या की धारा लगाने की मांग , 10 साल जेल की सजा ! Mumbai. Fire incident at 2 hotels at Kamla Mill compound that killed more than 15 peoples. The police registered FIR against hotel owner under section 304 (2) as they have lack of safety equipment. The police left the civic officials under their supervision the hotel owners are operating business. As per law the MCGM license is mandatory under section 394 of MMC act. For such license building OC and fire NOC are necessary documents required. The Medical officer of Health of Each ward issue license without checking such documents and by taking bribe. It causes such incident. At Mumbai CST 99% eating houses are having No fire NOC and MOH is issuing renewal . MCGM commissioner is also responsible as he dont take action against them inspite of our complaint. The complaint is registered to Mumbai police to include name of MOH Dr ...

Railway: Only Nagpur Division sent Maximum illegal Hawkers in Jail

Mumbai: Central railway has maximum illegal Hawkers but only Nagpur division is working honestly compared to Mumbai and Bhusaval. Mumbai and Bhusaval sent less then 5 Hawkers in jail per year but Nagpur division sending more then 135 every year. This is good achievement by Nagpur division. Other divisions have huge HAFTA collection  ie Rs 300 approx. per hawker

Serious Allegations Against IRDAI ED Pulla Rao!

जनता के पैसे का दुरुपयोग करते है कुछ अधिकारी ! Mumbai: Few complaints has been filed at CVC against Insurance Regulatory and development authority Executive Director Mr Pulla Rao . Major Points are 1. Wrong appoint of Shri Pulla Rao in 2011 as Sr Joint Director. 2. Used Illegal Route to join IRDAI Superannuation scheme. 3. Non Merging RBI pension while withdrawing salary from IRDAI  4. IRDAI changed eligibility criteria to make him executive director. As these allegation are of serious nature and wastage of policy holders money so we requested his point wise comment by email. He denied to reply our email and threatened us for legal action. 1. Did you get cumulative or double age relaxation. First as SC category and second relaxation under what category. ? 2. Are you the only person in the authority who has been given this kind of relaxation. ? 3. You as ED have now issued latest Recruitment advertisement stopping cumulative relax...

Income Tax Slab Rates in 1945

No income tax till RS 1500 per year.

Parel Workshop Shut Down Plan Of Central Railway-RTI

Mumbai: Central Railway  is planning to shut down parel workshop and converting it to railway terminus . RTI information disclosed that it is in initial stage . The authorities are planning to shift more than 2500 employees in other workshop. Major mechanical job will be shifted to Ajmer . This step will kill employment in Mumbai and local factories will also suffer. If such huge workshop will be shifted then where the huge number of coaches will get repaired? Other workshops at Mumbai division have no such capacities and they have lack of space. This work will be done 1500km away from Mumbai which will increase cost and time. Railway should request State government to get space for Rail Terminus near Dadar. Till now railway board has not issued circular. Final Status of   CRAIL/R/2017/50816 Applicant Name Sapan Shrivastava Date of receipt 09/11/2017 Request Filed With CENTRAL RAILWAY Text of Application There is planning to shift Parel workshop to another loca...

IRDA Filed Affidavit At Bombay High Court For Insurance Policy Approva Certificate

Mumbai:IRDA Filed the affidavit in court that all the insurance policies are approved by IRDAI. In a PIL at Bombay high court the IRDAI filed such affidavit. But issue is that IRDAI donot ready to issue approval certificate for customer satisfaction. Will they provide copy of such affidavit in all policies issued by insurance companies? First time in history IRDAI gave written statement that the insurance policies are approved by IRDAI.  In past they say that UIN means approval of policies. But in UIN guidelines no "approval"  word is mentioned. They have used word "Cleared By IRDAI". Other government regulator like FDA, ROC,RTO,ARAI , Pollution clearance issuing certificate to each product but IRDAI deny to issue approval certificate because it can be challenged in future due to illegal terms and condition. The affidavit is filed by law department instead of actuary head means actuary department may do not want to file false affidavit. The PIL is active...

Lavasa City Pune Royalty Paid Information - No Reply

Tehsildar Mulshi Silent On RTI Application About Royalty Theft By Lavasa Corporation PUCLO/R/2017/60244 There are huge civil work conducted at Lavasa Corporation at Lavasa city Pune. Information required of royalty paid by Lavasa for use of minor minerals for civil work (brass) since 2001-2017 year wise.

Central Railway Pay & Parking Not Following Local Laws at Mumbai Division

CENTRAL RAILWAY CONTRACTORS DONOT TAKE NOC OF TRAFFIC POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENT Mumbai :  Central Railway is awarding parking contracts to various contractors but these contractors do not follow local laws ie NOC from traffic police, Fire department , ESIC registration etc. They are operating illegally and endangering vehicles of passengers from fire. Many fire incidence lost many vechiles at railway parking and passengers incurred loss. Central Railway officers do not take objection for operating without proper NOC and settle with them a sum of money.

Mumbai CCTV per Camera Cost Rs20 Lac & Delhi Rs15000 Approx.

WESTEN RAILWAY CCTV COST Rs2.5 lac PER COACH Mumbai : BJP led Government implemented CCTV Scheme with per csmera cost nearly 20 lac but same project by AAP Delhi Government implemented by Rs 15000approx. As per many social activists public money wasted by Maharashtra Government by buying expensive camera and not doing more bargaining. Few suspect scam in CCTVproject at Mumbai. Almost three years after coming to power, the AAP government is now working on finalising the proposal to install 1.4 lakh  CCTV  cameras in public places. Chief minister Arvind Kejriwal held a meeting with PWD and senior government officials on Thursday to review the status of the project. Sources said the CM directed the officials to finalise the tender details in the next two months. PWD, which would execute the project, has expressed concerns and offered suggestions regarding location, tender, maintenance and monitoring of CCTV cameras. The government has allocated Rs 130 crore for the p...

Only 45 Hospitals Zero Bloodbank Have Fire NOC in Thane Municipal Area

Corruption In TMC Health Department Thane:  As per TMC ie Thane Municipal Corporation there are more than 200 nursing homes as registered at Health Department of TMC. But Shri Ram Kendre has issued registration without fire NOC to 75% of hospitals and nursing home. Fire NOC is mandatory document for hospital license TMC Hospital / Nursing Home Registration Form  NO Clinic registered atThane Municipal Corporation. No Such Guidelines for them

No Fire NOC issued To Voltas Factory Thane-RTI

Registration Number /नोंदणी क्रमांक : THMCO/R/2017/60257 Name /नाव Sapan Shrivastava Date of Filing /भरणे तारीख : 27/11/2017 The information required about Voltas Factory at Pokhran Road No 2, Thane West, Thane - 400601 RTI question 1.Copy of final fire NOC issued to Voltas factory. 2. Has TMC Fire Department renewed the Voltas Factory Fire NOC in 2017 if yes then copy of renewal. 2. Copy of Norms to issue fire NOC to factory

Why BJP Wining In EVM and Defeated in Ballot Paper at UP Election?

FEW RESULT EASY TO COMPARE BJP SUCESS RATIO भक्तों महापौर(ईवीएम) कुल पद-16 निर्वाचन परिणाम-16 भाजपा जीती-14 हारी-2 नगर पंचायत अध्यक्ष(बैलेट पेपर) कुल पद-438 निर्वाचन परिणाम-437 भाजपा जीती-100 भाजपा हारी-337 नगर पंचायत सदस्य(बैलेट पेपर) कुल पद-5434 निर्वाचन परिणाम-5390 भाजपा जीती-662 भाजपा हारी-4728 नगर पालिका परिषद अध्यक्ष(बैलेट पेपर) कुल पद-198 निर्वाचन परिणाम-195 भाजपा जीती-68 भाजपा हारी-127 नगर पालिका परिषद सदस्य(बैलेट पेपर) कुल पद-5261 निर्वाचन परिणाम-5217 भाजपा जीती-914 भाजपा हारी-4303 नोट- भक्त फिलहाल नगर निगम के चुनाव से अपना दिल बहला सकते हैं। #ईवीएम_

Hindu Vedic Puran Veda Download Free

|| Saffron e-Library || यह eLibrary है, इसमें कई सौ अमूल्य ग्रंथों के PDF हैं, ताकि यह ज्यादा से ज्यादा लोगों के काम आ सकें, देश धर्म संबंधी अमूल्य पुस्तकें इन लिंक में संग्रहीत हैं, आप विषय देखकर लिंक खोलें तो बहुत सी पुस्तकें मिलेंगी, सभी पुस्तकें आप निशुल्क download कर सकते हैं, इन लिंक्स की किताबें दो साल में अलग अलग स्त्रोतों से इकट्ठी की गईं हैं, अपनी पसंद की किताबें पढ़ें और शेयर करें... Aadi Shankaracharya - आद्य शंकराचार्य :- Sri Aurobindo - श्री अरविंदो :- Swami Dayananda - स्वामी दयानंद :- Swami Vivekanand - स्वामी विवेकानन्द :- Swami Shivanand - स्वामी शिवानंद :- Swami Ramteerth - स्वामी रामतीर्थ :-

Huge Irrigation Scam In Bundelkhand By MP Government

मामला बुंदेलखंड पैकेज में आर्थिक अनियमित्ताओ का  बुंदेलखंड की किस्मत को लूटने वालो के बचाव में मध्यप्रदेश सरकार  880Cr Irrigation Scam By MP GOVT. In Bundelkhand विजीलेंस रिपोर्ट पर खामोशी कही बडी मछलियो को बचाने की कवायद तो नही ! Chatarpur  म.प्र./1 दिसंबर 2017/धीरज चतुर्वेदी Dheeraj chaturvedi मुख्यमंत्री विकास यात्रा कर रहे है। भाजपा ने हाल ही में उनके 12 साल सुशासन का जश्न मनाया है। हकीकत बुंदेलखंड पैकेज में लूट का मामला खोलता है। करोडो रूपये एक संगठित गिरोह की तरह लूट लिये गये। हाईकोर्ट के ओदश पर मुख्य सचिव ने तकनीकी परीक्षण विजीलेंस से कराया जिसमें घोटाले का सच सामने आ गया। अब मुख्य सचिव के पास ही घोटालो की फाईल दफन होकर रह गई है। जो सरकार की ईमानदारी नियत पर सवाल अंकित करती है। सवाल उठते है कि क्या बडी मछलियो को बचाने के लिये सरकारी खामोशी है। बुंदेलखंड फिर स्वतंत्रता प्राप्ती के बाद से 22 वां सूखा झेल रहा है। पिछले साल औसत बारिश से कही अधिक बारिश हुई थी। इस बार मानसून ने ठेंगा दिखा दिया। बुदेलखंड के सूखे से निपटने के स्थाई हल के लिये वर्ष 2008-2009...

Mobile Tower Guidelines By DOT- RTI

MOBILE TOWER GUIDELINES DOWNLOAD List of mobile tower 2017 Download 2016  DOWNLOAD 2017 -  2016-

Excise: Liquor Not To Sell Non Permit People In Maharashtra

The Special Permits and Licences Rules_1952 3 [6. Licence to manufacture and sell liquor chocolates and provisions relating thereto. (6) The licensee shall put a lable on the liquor chocolate, showing the following details :— 1. Name of the manufacture. 2. Batch No. 3. Liquor contents. (7) The licensee shall sell liquor chocolates only to permit-holders holding premits for the possession, use and consumption of foreign liquor granted under the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953, or to those who are exempted from such permits (11) The cash memo shall clearly show,— (a) The name of the licensee, his licence number and the nature of the licence held by him ; (b) the name of the permit holder, his permit number and address ; (c) the details regarding the number of liquor chocolates sold; and their batch Nos.; (d) the amount charged in respect of sale of liquor chocolates.  1 [5] (a) The licensee shall give immediate information to the nearest [Police Officer on duty] ...

CBSE Issued Notice To RN Podar School Mumbai For Fire NOC

CBSE AFFILIATION RULES VIOLATION BY PODAR SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Mumbai: Central Board Of Secondary Education ie CBSE issued notice to RN Podar School, Santacruz Mumbai for submission of final fire NOC . Since last 20 years RN Podar is operating school. As per Maharashtra Fire prevention and life safety act 2005 every school must have fire NOC. There was no copy of fire NOC in CBSE record. After RTI application CBSE issued notice to school management. It means CBSE renewed affiliation without fire NOC . The serious violation by CBSE is risk to students.The school management is showing the yearly maintenance certificate of fire equipment of private agencies as fire NOC to the applicant but they have not received any final NOC from MCGM fire Department.  Add caption