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Showing posts from October, 2015

Finance Ministry Fake Investigation Order In ICICI Prudential Life Record.....-RTI

Fake Letter In The Name Of Finance Joint Secretary   ICICI Prudential Life Insurance terminated a agent and stopped his renewal commission . Aggrieved agent sent complaint to joint secretary Shri Arvind Kumar by email that ICICI Prudential Life terminating agents without any reason to suck their renewal commission. Later ICICI Prudential fed up with the agent complaint and lodge complaint at cyber cell Mumbai Police that agent is defaming company using IT act 66A. They produce the copy of letter which shows that Joint Secretary Finance Shri Arvind Kumar has ordered ICICI Pru for investigation of agent complaint . ICICI Pru created investigation report without summon to agent and sent to Shri Arvind Kumar. Mumbai Cyber Cell produce the charge sheet to Esplanda Court to frame charges under section 66A. In this charge sheet agent found this letter of Shri Arvind Kumar . He filed RTI to know the details of investigation with rules and regulation . Later Under Secretary Mr Mo...

Mumbai Local Motor Man Deny Dress Code Regulation - Central & Western Railway

Mumbai : An RTI reply pointed the guidelines which shows that central and western railway motormen (Driver) has dress code regulation but they deny to follow it. They have strong association so railway management also scared with them. Due to the sudden strike motor man can halt local life line any time so railway management is scared from them . The other aspect is that any civil dress person managed and get tool and take away any local without authorized driver . Few times it has been happen. If Motor man will be in dress then common man can stop this irregularities. The excuse of not to wear dress is very funny that passengers identify them for any irregularities and beat them.Fact is that they are also beaten now days without dress. The passenger can say that I was not knowing that this person is motor man and the dispute was personal . Motorman in civil dress at platform is also common man as per law. So dress gives him protection as per legal point. As per railway act all ope...

No RPF Mitra Appointed In Central Railway Mumbai Division in 8 Years-RTI

आदेश  के बावजूद कोई नियुक्ति नहीं हुई मुंबई में RPF द्वारा .... घूसखोरी धडल्ले से जारी  30 Oct 2015:Mumbai:Indian Railway initiated RPF Mitra Scheme in 2007all zones of railway to stop corruption and crimes . The duties of local civil citizens(RPF Mitra) is to inform railway management about corruption, crime / terrorist, smuggling, human trafficking activity in railway areas. As many RPF personals are involved in blackmailing passengers,collecting hafta from hawkers,criminals etc can cause risk to their extra income. Due to this central railway Mumbai division did not made any RPF Mitra in Mumbai division in spite of DGP orders.A activist applied for RPF Mitra card in June 2015 but till today it is in process. The collected black money is supplied till class 1 officers of RPF. So these Mitra can become their enemy in near future. As Mumbai is in risk & can be always targeted by terrorist , then also RPF did not involved civil citizens in their or...

Defense Officers Looting Soldiers In DGR Making Huge Money- PIL Filed

DGR Is Corrupt Body Of Defense Work For  Officers Benefit ! 15th Sep 2013:  Already stung by scams in procurement of military hardware, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) now stares at the prospect of an over Rs 1,000-crore fraud in its retired personnel welfare organisation, where senior Major Generals have over the past eight years overseen the swindling of public money, all in the name of their resettlement measures. The matter, which is already in the knowledge of the highest levels in the government, including Defence Minister A K Antony, is now going before the Delhi High Court through a Public Interest Litigation (PIL), which is likely to explode on the face of the powers that be, as the affected parties are several lakhs of ex-servicemen and the taxpayers. The PIL, filed by advocates Arvind Singh and Vipin Raghav, has been admitted by the Delhi High Court bench of Chief Justice N V Ramana and Pradeep Nandrajog on September 4 and eight-week notices sent to the ...

PSU Have Better Standard Than MNC Companies-Study

जिम्मेवारी निभाने में सार्वजनिक कम्पनियाँ प्राइवेट MNC से बेहतर - Survey सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र की कंपनियां निजी क्षेत्र की इकाइयों के मुकाबले जिम्मेदार कारोबारी गतिविधियों के साथ मजबूत नीतिगत जुड़ाव दिखा रही हैं। एक अध्ययन में यह बात सामने आई है।  यह अध्ययन बीएसई में सूचीबद्ध शीर्ष 100 कंपनियों के विश्लेषण पर आधारित है जिसमें कार्यस्थल पर भेदभाव नहीं होने समेत पांच पहलुओं पर गौर किया गया है। इंडिया रिस्पॉन्सिबल बिजनस फोरम (आईआरबीएफ) द्वारा आज जारी सूचकांक के अनुसार सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के उपक्रम निजी क्षेत्र की कंपनियों के मुकाबले एनवीजी के साथ मजबूत नीतिगत जुड़ाव दिखा रही हैं।  सूचकांक को गैर-लाभकारी संगठन ऑक्सफैम इंडिया ने 'कॉर्पोरेट रिस्पॉन्सिबिलिटी वॉच, प्रेक्सिस ऐंड पार्टनर्स इन चेंज' के साथ मिलकर तैयार किया है। सरकार ने 2011 में सामाजिक, पर्यावरण तथा व्यापार की आर्थिक जिम्मेदारी के लिये राष्ट्रीय स्वैच्छिक दिशा-निर्देश जारी किया था, जिसे कॉर्पोरेट कार्य मंत्रालय ने नागरिक समाज के विभिन्न संगठनों के साथ मिलकर तैयार किया गया था।  अध्ययन में कंपनियों की रैंक...

Forest Area Shrink Due To Theft Umaria Forest: Municipal Land Decreasing

वनों को हो रही कटाई और चोरी,  आरोप चैकियों के प्रभारियों पर आला अधिकारी स्थिति से बन रहे जानकार भी अंजान Umaria :- राजस्व विभाग के अनुसार वनविभाग वनों की सुरक्षा के नाम पर उमरिया नगरपालिका क्षेत्र की सैंकडों एकड भूमि पर कब्जा बनाये रखा गया है , हकीकत में वनविभाग के कर्मचारियों और अधिकारियों पर वनों की अवैध कटाई, वन चैकियों केा उजाडने के आरोप लग रहे है। इन वनों की सुरक्षा करने वाले कर्मचारी , अधिकारी ग्रामीणों की सूचना को नजरअन्दाज करने से नहीं चूक रहे हैं। इसका परिणाम है कि जिले के कई क्षेत्रों में चैकी की सुरक्षा करने वाले ही अपनी चैकी के सामग्री को बेच रहे हैं। आरटीआई के द्वारा  इन जानकारियों को हासिल करने के प्रयास निष्फल साबित हो रहे हैं। वनविभाग के आला अधिकारी कुम्भकरिणी निद्रा में सो रहे हैं, एक जानकारी के अनुसार उमरिया वन क्षेत्र फल में कमी आयी है। ग्राम पंचायत ने बनाया पंचनामा:- वनविभाग के कर्मचारियों को बिजौरी गांव के ग्रामीणों ने रंगे हाथ पकडते हुए ग्राम पंचायत के द्वारा ही पंचनामा तैयार किया गया। ग्राम पंचायत बिजौरी के सदस्यों ने इसकी सूचना सीसीएफ शहडो...

No Penalty For Tiffin Luggage Coach Travel In Local Train Mumbai Central Railway - RTI

RAILWAY BOARD HAS NOT APPROVED TIFFIN COACH. CCM HAS NO POWER TO ALLOT TIFFIN COACH RESERVATION. DEMAND RAILWAY BOARD COPY FROM JUDGE DURING HEARING. PIL FILED AT BOMBAY HIGH COURT FOR COMPENSATION OF Rs5000 FOR EACH VICTIM. TTE & RPF यात्रीओ को जबर्दस्ती जुर्माना लगा रहे है टिफ़िन कोच में यात्रा करने पर ..... Every Day hundreds of ticket holders are harassed by TTE and RPF because they travel in compartment reserved for tiffin services for 2 hrs. The Dabbawala organisation went to high court and asked a reserved compartment in Mumbai local for the delivery of tiffin to rich people. Due to this railway assigned them kalyan end and virar end luggage coach from 11 to 1 pm in local train for their service.Pass and ticket holder ignore this warning and board in these coaches in hurry. Normal vendor also board in this coach in emergency or in routine.This is opportunity for TTE and RPF to meet their goal sheet . A squad TTE has to make Rs2400 collection...

SEBI Fine PACL but Not Mutual Fund Companies For Same Crime...

Sebi's biggest penalty: PACL told to pay up Rs 7,269 cr for duping investors Mumbai - As no mutual fund schemes are approved or certify from SEBI(RTI) but SEBI is taking on selective companies doing same business like mutual fund companies . Like other mutual fund schemes PACL schemes are also not approved from SEBI.Mutual fund companies are misguiding investors by saying that all the schemes are approved from SEBI . No catlog reflect that SEBI has not approved any mutual fund schemes. So How SEBI will confirm that all the schemes as per SEBI guidelines. 23 Sept 2015 In its biggest ever fine, regulator Sebi today imposed a penalty of Rs 7,269.5 crore on PACL Ltd and its four directors for illegal and fraudulent mobilisation of funds from the public, saying the company deserves "maximum penalty" for such large-scale duping of the common man. The penalty follows another order by Sebi last year wherein PACL was asked to refund Rs 49,100 crore it had collect...

Sweden May become first cashless nation in world.....

LONDON: Sweden is on track to becoming the world's first cashless society, thanks to the country's embrace of information technology as well as a crackdown on organized crime and terror, according to a new study. Niklas Arvidsson , a researcher at  KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden, said that the widespread and growing embrace of the mobile payment system, Swish, is helping hasten the day when Sweden replaces cash altogether. " Cash is still an important means of payment in many countries' markets, but that no longer applies here in Sweden.  Our use of cash is small, and it's decreasing rapidly," Arvidsson said In a country where bank cards are routinely used for even the smallest purchases, there are less than 80 billion Swedish crowns in circulation, a sharp decline from just six years ago, when 106 billion Swedish crowns were in circulation. "And out of that amount, only somewhere between 40 and 60 per cent is actually in regular circulat...

SDM Kanjhawala Delhi Society Registrar Failed To Discharge Duty.....

Delhi North West Region Society Registrar SDM Kanjhawala is not discharging is duty as per law when any grievance came about any society. Many citizens and members approach SDM as Society registrar for irregularities in their society but he ignore their complaint and advise them to approach civil court. People says that if all the remedy should be get from court then why this officer is sitting in this office? Anoop thakur SDM Kanjhawala is only giving excuse in verbal discussion. He did not give such things in writing. Few citizens says that society registrars are getting gifts from well organised societies due to the costly gift these responsible officers deny any action. The boss of SDM ie Deputy commissioner also work in same pattern.

Director General Resettlement Have Restriction To Meet Public In Office

DGR Ignoring Scam Of Officers!  Delhi:Many Ex servicemen and citizens want to meet director general resettlement office at RK Puram New Delhi about their issues and complaints but the officers deny to meet them. This civilian body is situated in defense building so they are insulated in the name of security of defense.The egoist officers has nothing to do with defense but they deny to meet people in office hours. They even did not issue gate pass to the stake holders.Top officers do not pick up the phones in spite be present on seat. When our reporter went to meet the officers about paying of less wages to ex servicemen in public sector they said only Wednesday and Thursday are public meeting day in the first half.  In Coal India Limited the Ex service men officers companies are paying 30-35% wages (as per DGR wages declared) to ex service men security guards. When we met Lt Col Arjun Singh incharge of MP and Chattisgarh he denied to speak any word. He didn't allowed...

Delhi: Society-Firm Registrar is Not Taking Any Action

अफसर जिम्मेदारी से भागते है ,कोर्ट जाने को कहते है  Delhi Government Commissioner of Industries transferred Society registrar power to SDM and Deputy commissioner. The SDM office of any area is also society and firm registrar. There are 9 zones in delhi . To register any society or firm citizens has to approach local SDM office. The SDM and deputy commissioner does not taking regulatory action to control irregularities. If any complaint comes they escape from duty and suggest complainant to approach civil court. It will be benefit for few private society who misuse the funds of members .

भ्रष्टा Judges को लड़कीओ का भी शौक होता है !

सरकार को भ्रष्टा जजस की जानकारी है  कोर्ट के कर्मचारीओ को पता होता है क़ि कौन सा जज कितना खाता है पर हमारे रिपोर्टर को यह जानकारी मिली की भ्रष्टा जजस को कम उम्र की लड़कीओ का भी शौक होता है।  एक रॉ एजेंट ने यह बताया की उसने मुंबई में जजस को कई लड़कीअ सप्लाई की है।  उसने कहा की जजस आम तौर पर अपने स्टाफ और निजी वकीलो के द्वारा भारी घूस खाते है। यह बात आम  तौर से काफी वकीलो को पता होती है।  उनका रेट भी फिक्स होता है। ज्यादातर जजस बेल और जेल के केस में अच्छा माल बना लेते है।  सरकार की खुफिआ एजेन्सीज को हर भ्रष्ट जजस की कुंडली पता होती है और वक़्त आने पर मन माफिक फैसला करवा लेती है, पर एक अच्छे जजस के सामने बेबस रहती है।  आज के समय ईमानदार जजस की भरी कंमी है।  कैमरा ना होने से जजस के केबिन का भ्रष्टाचार नहीं सामने आ पाता। इसमे भी कोई शक नहीं क़ि ईमानदार जज भी बढ़िया काम करते है जिससे जनता को न्याय में आस्था है। 

SCAM:District Health Officer BS Sonawane Involve In Irregularities....

अफसर मस्त जनता त्रस्त , स्वास्थ लूट की दुकान बनी। ....  Thane District Health Officer is involved in hospital registration scam. As per the allegation by few activist he violated the many clauses of Bombay Nursing Home Act (amended 2005) . Every bed should be given 70 Sqfeet, the building should have structure audit from PWD etc.  But Dr BS Sonawane ignored the law and given renewal to many nursing home and hospitals in 2015. He ignored the warning given by social activist to follow the law. Many hospit als have no fire NOC but he ignored  the facts. Some say that he may be received Rs50000 approx per hospital renewal. Without money who will take the risk to violate the law.    Dr.  Satish Pawar Director Health  Services Directorate of  Health  ignored the complaints of irregularities in DHO Thane. He might be getting commission from DHO thane for each hospital extension for 3 years. The AIMS hospital Dombivli east has no Occupation...

देश में सब्जियों के नाम पर बिक रहा 'धीमा जहर'

यही किसी से छिपा नहीं है कि जो सब्जियां बड़े शहरों और महानगरों में बेची जा रही हैं, उनमें कीटनाशक होते हैं। लेकिन, अब यह बात सामने आ रही है कि पूरे देश में बेची जा रही सब्जियों में कीटनाशकों के रूप में खतरनाक रसायनों की मात्रा बहुत ज्यादा है।  कृषि मंत्रालय की एक रिपोर्ट में कहा गया है कि पिछले सात सालों में सब्जियों, फलों, मीट और मसालों के कुछ नमूनों की जांच से पता चला है कि इनमें कीटनाशकों के स्तर में अनुमति से करीब-करीब दोगुनी वृद्धि हुई है। साल 2008-09 के दौरान 1.4% नमूने एमआरएल टेस्ट में फेल हो गए थे और साल 2014-15 के दौरान तो यह आंकड़ा बढ़कर 2.6% तक पहुंच गया। जांच में फेल हुए ज्यादातर नमूने सब्जियों के थे।  आणंद, कल्याणी, कोलकाता, दिल्ली- हर जगह सब्जियों के नमूनों में खतरनाक स्तर तक कीटनाशक पाए गए। दिल्ली में जिन 41 नमूनों में ज्यादा मात्रा में कीटनाशक पाए गए उनमें 31 नमूने सब्जियों के ही थे। दूषित सब्जियों में पालक, हरा धनिया, शिमला मिर्च और भिंडी शामिल हैं।  दिल्ली में बेची जाने वाली सब्जियों की बड़ी मात्रा यमुना नदी के आस-पास के क्षेत्रों से आती हैं और...

RTE & School Quota Of Kalyan Dombivli KDMC Region Thane

 Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Region School Quota and RTE 25% quota details received from RTI reply from KDMC Education department. Almost in all the schools free education seats for income below Rs1lac is vacant .The vacant seats are illegally filled by private school in open category by private schools by taking donations. KDMC education didnot taken any action. Total approved strength of class is 4 times of RTE quota. If RTE 25% quota is 25 then approved students limit is 100 students. Means 75 students from general and 25 from RTE 25% quota. In all the schools students are more than from approved strength and RTE 25% seats are vacant. It means RTE seats are filled by general students. As per RTE Act 2009 poor quota seats ie RTE25% cannot be filled by general quota in any condition and at any class. Helpline 9702859636  RTE Admission 

ICICI- Birla की करोड़ो सर्विस टैक्स चोरी पकड़ी गयी - RTI

ICICI Pru Life & Birla Sunlife Huge ServiceTax Evasion Companies.......- RTI In an RTI reply after Central Information Commissioner order service tax department searched service tax record of ICICI Prudential Life and Birla Sunlife Insurance. Insurance companies deduct service tax from agents commission , premium from policy and also from other sources. An agent filed RTI that whether service tax deducted is deposited or not ?  Both the companies are registered at Service tax division 3 of Mumbai circle as their HO is in zone III. Service tax department searched their record but they didn’t found their file. Later they written many letters to both the companies but they didn’t replied them. They also ignored their phone calls. In the end service tax department raised their hand and informed the applicant in affidavit with Rs100stamp paper that office has no record. It means both the companies are doing millions of rupees of tax evasion . HDFC life , LIC shared...