गरीब जनता कहा से केस का पैसा लाएगी ?
महाराष्ट्र में गरीबो के साथ दिनदहाड़े अन्याय
Mumbai:Many social activists filing public interest litigation in the interest of project affected people which are poor citizens. Keeping negative view in mind the Chief Justice Manjula Chellur bench is disposing many PIL by commenting that affected parties should come forward for litigation. The poor peoples are effected by injustice of state govt and corporate collusion . They are also not literate to approach high court to file writ petition. At India approaching the High court is expensive task due to high litigation cost and high advocate fees. So the poor people have no money to approach high court. If few social activist file PIL as per rules then CJ suspect their intention , ask their background? The court have mindset that activist intentions are always in suspicious and she reject without going on merits. Due to this corporate and State government is in benefit. They are grabbing land, hitting poor and doing corruption. In order to dispose the matter CJ should form team to inspect all poor people cases and submit the report. Many times State govt do not accommodate them inspite of complete papers.These officers know that these poor peoples have no capacity to approach court. This action of CJ bench is helping these corrupt officer. The Honorable Supreme court should take initiative to help poor by reversing the Bombay High Court orders of PAP .
Next month the CJ is retiring and many judges got job after retirement by State govt. This action may be to please CM but it is against public.