Pune: Income tax investigation replied in RTI query that they have conducted 26 raids and search at Pune region from 2017-2019. The Pune divison officers are honest than other region. The Mumbai , Thane , Bhopal region did not ready to share the numbers in RTI . They are blocking the information from public and doing unofficial raids to fill their pockets. These information should be published in website and the report also after the completion.
Pune: Income tax investigation replied in RTI query that they have conducted 26 raids and search at Pune region from 2017-2019. The Pune divison officers are honest than other region. The Mumbai , Thane , Bhopal region did not ready to share the numbers in RTI . They are blocking the information from public and doing unofficial raids to fill their pockets. These information should be published in website and the report also after the completion.
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