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India has about 6 Lacs VIPs, UK Has 84 VIPs....!

VIP/VVIPs in the world
Country                                           No. of VIP/VVIPs
England                                               84
France                                                109
Japan                                                 125
Germany                                            142
Australia                                             205
USA                                                   252
South Korea                                       282
Russia                                                312
China                                                  435
India                                             5,79,092

In India, the President, Vice President, governors, Speakers(Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha, Assemblies), MPs, MLAs, MLCs, Corporators, IAS, IPS, ICS, IRS officers, Talum/Gram Panchayat members, Party leaders, Chief justice and judges of Supreme and High Courts, Media barons and Editors are treated as VIPs and VVIPs.  

Indian Rule worst than British Colonial Rule....

Great Britain has an official number of 84 VIPs. France has 109, Japan has 125 and Germany has 142. The total number of VIPs in the USA are 252, Russia 312 and the total number of VIPs in China is 435.

India has a total no of 5,79,092 VIPs. It is sickening. Cutting down this no to below 300 is as urgent a reform as any. Remember this huge Army of largely political VIPs are squandering valuable national resources meant for the common people of this country. Share to build public opinion against this nonsense.
The VIP culture in India is omnipresent. Over the years, the numbers of VIPs have grown so large, that new categories of VVIPs have been instituted to differentiate amongst them.
Elected officials, senior bureaucrats, high ranking police and military officers all wave flags and flash red lights in a race for privilege.
Getting roads blocked to get priority passage, flashing red lights, having armed guards wave guns and blow loud sirens have become everyday status symbols of VVIP power. 
The worst examples of these excesses are seen with the kind of privileges seized by the political class. 
Every MP and MLA is surrounded by an average of 3 policemen at the taxpayer's expense. 
The ratio for ordinary citizens to police protection is an appalling 700:1. Moreover, the tendency of the political class to attempt to grab even more of the public resources for themselves is often displayed.

Not Certified Data:
DATA from
Adv. Vijay Kurle, Sharad Yadav
National RTI Activists Council

Ref: Statistics as received from Social Media from unknown Sources.

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