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Infosys IPO Is Not Listed With SEBI Permission? Till Date Company Not Claimed SEBI NOC.....


 Infosys made an initial public offer in February 1993 and was listed on stock exchanges in India in June 1993. But the SEBi Website does not shows the copy of DRHP AND RHP of Infosys. The SEBI was formed in  April 1992.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India was established on April 12, 1992 in accordance with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992. So why Infosys details are not available on SEBI IPO approved list. The Infosys investor department also silent on this issue after request made to clarify listing approvals details. Now people should file RTI and do research on it. Companies should upload all permission letter in their portal of listing, right issue, LOF etc . Infosys was listed on 14 June 1993 as per SEBI reply.

Companies  in the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)

According to the metrics on the website of the Bombay Stock Exchange, around 5,311 companies have listed their shares in the exchange as of January 13, 2023. The total market capitalization of all of the companies listed on BSE comes up to around Rs. 2,82,13,564 crores. This list only includes companies and excludes mutual funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), REITs, InVITs, shares with Differential Voting Rights (DVRs), and companies listed in the SME platform of BSE. 

Companies listed in the National Stock Exchange (NSE)

According to the website of the National Stock Exchange, around 2,113 companies have been listed on the exchange as of December 31, 2022. The total market capitalization of all of the companies listed on the NSE comes up to around Rs. 2,75,67,268 crores. Mutual funds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), REITs, InVITs, shares with Differential Voting Rights (DVRs), and companies in the SME platform of NSE have not been included in this list.


Infosys Limit not providing copy of the SEBI observation with consent copy as per SEBI ICDR OR CAPITAL ISSUE control act 1947 with copy of DRHP, RHP or equivalent of infosys Share as per listing norms. As this information is not available at SEBI portal. SEBI portal have not information about infosys Listing information which is June 1993 as per media reports. The company got listed without SEBI permission and due process of law at NSE and BSE. Delist the company in the interest of justice.

Review Action History
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Review Action History

Review No : SEBIE/KN23/0000530/1/R                                                                         As on : 06 Jul 2023
S.No.ActionDate of ActionRemarksFromToLodged by

Complete Action History
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Action History

Registration No : SEBIE/KN23/0000530/1                                                                         As on : 06 Jul 2023
S.No.ActionDate of ActionRemarksFromToLodged by
1.RECEIVED THE COMPLAINT29 Jun 2023Recieved New Complaint by Division ChiefINVESTOR (INVSTR)CFD-SEC-2 (1531)INVESTOR(Registered)
2.FORWARD TO DEALING OFFICER29 Jun 2023Forwarded To Dealing OfficerCFD-SEC-2 (1531)CFD-SEC-2 (2381)
3.SEEK CLARIFICATION FROM INVESTOR30 Jun 2023The complainant is not making any specific allegation against the Company and just seeking copy of some documents. The complainant has not mentioned as to what disadvantage he has been put into by such act of the Company. You are therefore requested to provide the specific allegation within three working days time, failing which it shall be assumed that you have no submission to make and the complaint may be closed.CFD-SEC-2 (2381)INVESTOR (INVSTR)View Clarification Sought
4.CLARIFICATION RECEIVED FROM INVESTOR30 Jun 2023Infosys listed without permission from regulator at BSE and NSE . Due to such violation the performance is low. They are not providing SEBI consent Or Compliance clearance certificate of SEBI . It is fraud and cheating with investor. Delist the shares of Infosys and penalize as per Section 15, 24 of SEBI act.INVESTOR (INVSTR)CFD-SEC-2 (2381 )View Clarification Recieved
5.FORWARD TO SUBORDINATE ORGANISATION04 Jul 2023Kindly provide the appropriate reply, ATR, to the complainant by 05.07.2023.CFD-SEC-2 (2381)Infosys Limited (COMI00142)
6.CASE DISPOSE OF06 Jul 2023Infosys Limited was listed on 14.06.1993. In this regard, firstly, the complainant has not made any specific allegation against the Company, due to which the investor has suffered. The complaint is only about non availability of RHP of Infosys Limited in the SEBI Portal. Secondly, the complaint is made for an event, i.e. listing of shares of Infosys which is more than three years old at the time of lodging of complaint. Therefore, as per SCORES FAQ 5, the cause of complaint being more than three years older, the investor may directly take up the complaint with the entity concerned or may approach appropriate court of law.CFD-SEC-2 (2381)INVESTOR (INVSTR)View Final Status


Trident Share Is Not Approved By SEBI:RTI


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