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How MP Courts Are Supporting Mining Mafia ? JMFC Burhanpur Guruvendra Kumar Hurmade Not Issuing Case Number Since last 7 Months


खनिज माफिया को पुलिस के बाद मिलने लगा है कोर्ट का साथ ! 

 मामले को लटकाओ और माफिया को कानून से बचाओ,  सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश मजाक बना रहे है कुछ लोग 

Burhanpur : One  E FIR was filed against illegal mining and transportation at Burhanpur with SHO Khaknar Police station.  Police inspector denied to act in the E FIR and ket it pending. As per SC Sakri Basu order and MP High Court various order the complainant can move JMFC court for monitoring of investigation. A CRPC 156 matter was e filed to JMFC Guruvendra Kumar Hurmade JMFC Burhanpur Court in Nov 2022. The JMFC inspite of many request not issuing case number and only CNR number issued. He is sending notice for appearence through VC from nearest court . He is not allowing VC from remote location as per  per MP High Court VC rules 2020. He is still referring 2018 VC rules . The principle Judge Smt Ashita Shrivastava, is silent on this judicial corruption .  All the courts across MP are allowing remote location VC appearance and doing VC but this court not following MP High Court VC rules .  The High Court registrar general Ramkumar Choubey is silent on this irregularities . Inspite of all knowledge  the judicial lobby is helping criminals against SC and HC orders. They are helping from back doors to criminals by ignoring complaints . 

So this is truth of Indian Judiciary  and lower courts are not obeying SC orders of access to justice . People must know that How much is his judge honest as per standard set by SC ie integrity . 

NDIA RTI NEWS <>Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 3:54 PM

Hon'ble Gurevendra Singh Hurmade
JMFC , Burhanpur

Case CRPC 156 Sapan Shrivastava VS SHO Khaknar

Respected Sir,

Kindly go through MP District court Video Conferencing rule 2020 . It allow us to connect through VC from remote point.
All the courts are allowing me to appear through VC and IT staff is providing link by message.

Still your staff has not given me case number so that case can be tracked by e court app . It is obstruction to administration of justice .

Supreme Court of India

Salem Advocate Bar ... vs Union Of India on 2 August, 2005

Author: Y Sabharwal

Bench: Y.K.Sabharwal, D.M.Dharmadikhari, Tarun Chatterjee,local%20limits%20of%20its%20jurisdiction.


1.      Where computerization is available, data will be fed into the computer in such a manner that the court or judge or judges, referred to in Clause (2) above will be able to ascertain the position and stage of every case in every track from the computer screen.

Kindly direct IT staff to help me to appear through VC .

Do needful as per rule of law and in the interest of justice.


Sapan Shrivastava

9702852636 Complainant

India RTI News
  • District and Sessions Judge Burhanpur
Fri 3/24/2023 12:01 PM
Regarding Next date and appearance.pdf
56 KB
Registrar General 
MP High Court 
Respected Sir,
The JMFC Shri Guruvendra Kumar Hurmade is not issuing case number since Nov 2022 in CRPC 156 Court monitoring investigation case of illegal mining and transportation. By giving CNR number he is asking me to appear through VC through near by court . He is not allowing to appear through remote location as other court do as per VC rules 2020 .
He is deliberately denying me the justice and doing judicial misconduct. The Ld DJ  Hon'ble Smt Ashita Shrivastava unable to maintain judicial discipline at Burhanpur . Due to failure of Smt Ashmita the justice is defeating at Burhanpur court as per rule of law. The judicial indiscipline is only encouraging crime and mining mafia at Burhanpur. 
Kindly take action against JMFC Shri Guruvendra Kumar Hurmade for denying case number and appearance against rule of law. When a injustice any where then injustice every where. 


Sapan Shrivastava


D 102 ,Natraj Darshan,

Ganesh Nagar Chowk, Dombivali west , Thane 421202

CC: DJ Burhanpur 

From: India RTI News <>Sent: Monday, February 20, 2023 7:52 AMTo: District and Sessions Judge Burhanpur <>Subject: Complaint against Shri Guruvendra Kumar Hurmade JMFC Burhanpur
Hon'ble Smt Ashita Shrivastava, 
 Principle Session and District Judge
Respected madam,
I have filed CRPC 156 matter before Shri  Guruvendra Kumar Hurmade JMFC for monitor of investigation in E FIR as per SC Sakri Basu Provision in Nov 2022 . After last complaint he gave  CNR number. No filing number and registered number issued till date. In other districts the registered number is issued in 3-4 days (Jabalpur, Indore, Bhopal etc) .
As it is the case of illegal mining and transportation so I afraid that mining mafia has huge nexus. The Ld JMFC is deliberately delaying the matter to benefit accuse personal. He is unable to regulate the Khaknar SHO illegal acts.
Inspite of last 2 dates he did not came for VC hearing inspite of written request to him. Now he put personal condition for VC that I should reach nearest court for VC on next date. Every day Iam doing VC in multiple courts of MP and HC/SC from my location. No JMFC/Session judge asked me to go nearest court. There is no such condition inserted by any HC and SC guidelines. It is violation of article 21 (maneka Gandi case)
It seems that he is bias and his integrity is in question. Kindly use administrative  power to transfer my case Sapan Shrivastava VS SHO Khaknar to any appropriate court as Justice delayed is justice denied. As we are in this litigation field from several years so we can judge the mindset that the delay is biased or natural. 
Plz help me to get justice.


Sapan Shrivastava

9702859636 Complainant

India RTI News

Visit us at :

From: District and Sessions Judge Burhanpur <>Sent: Friday, February 17, 2023 6:23 PMTo: indiartinews <>Subject: Regarding Next date and appearance
आदरणीय श्रीमान,
          कृपया उपरोक्त विषय के संदर्भ में संलग्न दस्तावेज प्राप्त करें,
आदर सहित.............
District & Sessions Court Burhanpur
Madhya PradeshContact: 07325-292400
मध्यप्रदेश शासन की ई-मेल योजना-2014 एवं माननीय उच्च न्यायालय म.प्र. के ज्ञापन क्र. Reg(IT)(SA)/2014/979 दिनांक 20.04.2017 के अनुसार ई-मेल द्वारा प्राप्त पत्राचार का मान्य किया गया है।


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