Mumbai Judge Denied Contempt Action Inspite Of Challange To Initiate Contempt Action Against Party In person
याचिकाकर्ता ने जज K. P. Kshirsagar, City Civil Court, Mumbai पर भ्रष्ट आचरण का आरोप लगाया क्योंकि उसने गलत आदेश देने के लिए कई facts और Citations छुपा लिए।
जज को मालूम था कि contempt चलाने पर खुद फस जाएगा judicial impropriety में
Mumbai: Mr Manu bhai H Patel filed a declaration suit against Maharashtra jeevan Pradhikaran(MJP) and State of Maharashtra . The issue related to 3 water supplies of Maharashtra govt and execution is done by MJP. So State is the owner and MJP is agent .The Judge K. P. Kshirsagar, City Civil Court, Mumbai court passed ex Party order against both respondents .When MJP did not appeared then court ordered NWS to State of Maharashtra . The Plaintiff said that state is the only agent to receive the proceess. . The MJP was not appearing and State was doing argument. Plaintiff requested the court to pass a decree. He provided many citations in favour of his prayer. Judge rejected the application inspite of no plea from defendents and rejected exhibit no.3 application . No citations was mentioned in the roznama and supressed the submissions of plaintiff. Due to this fraud practise the Plaintiff made allegation against judge for using corrupt practise and made allegation of corruption in judicial procedings. He also challanged to inititate contempt proceeding against him/. The judge not accepted the party inperson challange and passed the order to file applicantion to transfer this case to other court.
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