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Demanding Investigation On Complaint Is Fundamental Right: Supreme Court

 जाँच में भेद भाव सुप्रीम कोर्ट को नहीं स्वीकार्य , बड़े आदमी की शिकायत पर जाँच करना और आम आदमी को मना करना समानता के अधिकार का हनन। 

Delhi: In a vital judgment passed by supreme court that demanding investigation in any complaint is fundamental rights. The Police and other organisation cannot deny investigation on complaints. In present scenerio the investigation is done only on VIP complaints. Police and other agencies are conducting Inquiry on  common men complaints . The Inquiry means taking statement and investigation means to search till root level. Search and raid is part of investigation which can be done by FIR registration only .

 In Hallu & Ors. vs. the State of M.P, it was held that “Section 154 does not require that the Report must be given by a person who has personal knowledge of the incident reported. The section speaks of information relating to the commission of a cognizable offense given to an officer in charge of a police station.”

Supreme Court of India
Author: Ganguly

Bench: Asok Kumar Ganguly, T.S. Thakur

"13. In the facts and circumstances of this case, we find that every citizen of this country has a right to get his or her complaint properly investigated. The legal framework of investigation provided under our laws cannot be made selectively available only to some persons and denied to others. This is a question of equal protection of laws and is covered by the guarantee under Article 14 of the Constitution. The issue is akin to ensuring an equal access to justice. A fair and proper investigation is always conducive to the ends of justice and for establishing rule of law and maintaining proper balance in law and order. These are very vital issues in a democratic set up which must be taken care of by the Courts."

Right to Equality ARTICLE 14

Before knowing about the right to equality, aspirants should know the types of equality to get an idea of what it is. It is also mentioned in our Preamble. The types of  equality are:

  1. Natural
  2. Social
  3. Civil
  4. Political
  5. Economic
  6. Legal

The Right to Equality is one of the Fundamental Rights enshrined in the Constitution of India. It is very important to understand what this right entails and includes. This topic is a basic topic in the polity and constitution segments of the UPSC Syllabus for the civil services exam.

Below we provide the associated articles of the Constitution under the right to equality.

Right to Equality

Article Brief description 
Article 14The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India, on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth
Article 15The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them.
Article 16There shall be equality of opportunity for all citizens in matters relating to employment or appointment to any office under the State.
Article 17Abolition of untouchability
Article 18Abolition of all titles except military and academic

Equality before the law (Article 14)

Article 14 treats all people the same in the eyes of the law.

  • This provision states that all citizens will be treated equally before the law. 
  • The law of the country protects everybody equally.
  • Under the same circumstances, the law will treat people in the same manner.


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