Mumbai :RTI Activist Anil Galgali today moved Bombay High court through Advocates Atal Bihari Dubey, Arvind Tiwari and Devendra Shah seeking door to door screening for citizens of Mumbai.
The petition filed before the court highlighted the Bhilwara Model and also the Worli Koliwada Model and pleaded that the same be applied all over Mumbai to control the spread of Corona Virus epidemic in Mumbai.
The Petition was heard by the bench of Hon'ble Chief Justice Dipankar Datta & Hon'ble Justice AA Sayed.
It was also pointed out by the Advocates of the petitioner before the court that same model was also followed by Aditya Thackrey in worli koliwada area. On which court appreciated his approach but didn't incline to give direction for door to door screening in Mumbai
The Hon'ble Chief Justice dismissed the petition on the ground that the population of Mumbai cannot be compared to Bhilwara and it is practically impossible to carry out Door to door screening of citizens in Mumbai
It is true. Instead the advocate should have agued that those citizens opt for self test be permitted to so at a fixed appointments with free of cost.