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CONSTRUCTION:All India Illegal Mining Record Of Major and Minor Mineral and Royalty Theft

Return of illegal mining in 2015-16(From:Ministry of Mines)

The major buyers of illegal mining products are builders and common man constructing homes. They dont know that FIR can be registered for using illegal source of minerals without bills. They have to pay seven times royalty theft and basic cost of minerals used. They can also be jailed upto 7 years for using thefted minerals. In Madhya pradesh the penalty is 30 times . According to section 3(e) of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 “Minor Minerals” means building stones, gravel, ordinary clay, ordinary sand other than sand used for prescribed purposes[1], and any other mineral which the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, declare to be a minor mineral. (For the purposes of this Act, the word "minerals” includes all minerals except mineral oils- natural gas and petroleum) 
In addition to the minor minerals specified in Section 3(e) of the MMDR Act, the Central Government has declared the following minerals as minor minerals:
  • boulder,
  • shingle,
  • chalcedony pebbles used for ball mill purposes only,
  • lime shell, kankar and limestone used in kilns for manufacture of lime used as building material,
  • murrum,
  • brick-earth,
  • fuller’s earth,
  • bentonite,
  • road metal,
  • reh-matti,
  • slate and shale when used for building material,
  • marble,
  • stone used for making household utensils,
  • quartzite and sandstone when used for purposes of building or for making road metal and household utensils,
  • saltpeter and
  • ordinary earth (used or filling or leveling purposes in construction or embankments, roads, railways, building).

Further, Ministry of Mines, on 10 February 2015, notified 31 additional minerals, hitherto under the list of major minerals, as minor minerals. These 31 minerals account for over 55% of the total number of leases and nearly 60% of total leased area. This was done with the intention to “devolve more power to the States, and consequently, expedite the process of mineral development in the country”. The 31 additional minerals notified as minor minerals are:
  • Agate;
  • Ball Clay;
  • Barytes;
  • Calcareous Sand;
  • Calcite;
  • Chalk;
  • China Clay;
  • Clay (Others);
  • Corundum;
  • Diaspore;
  • Dolomite;
  • Dunite/pyroxenite;
  • Felsite;
  • Felspar;
  • Fireclay;
  • Fuschite Quartzite;
  • Gypsum;
  • Jasper;
  • Kaolin;
  • Laterite;
  • Limekankar;
  • Mica;
  • Ochre;
  • Pyrophyllite;
  • Quartz;
  • Quartzite;
  • Sand (Others);
  • Shale;
  • Silica Sand;
  • Slate;
  • Steatite/Talc/Soapstone.

The power to frame policy and legislation relating to minor minerals is entirely delegated to the State Governments while policy and legislation relating to the major minerals are dealt by the Ministry of Mines under Union /Central Government. Various State Governments have indeed prescribed rules for the grant of mineral concessions in respect of minerals classified as minor minerals under the MMDR Act, 1957. Minor Minerals get specified in the schedule appended in Minor Mineral concession Rules issued by States.
Thus, as opposed to major minerals, the regulatory and administrative jurisdiction of minor minerals falls under the purview of State governments. These include the powers to frame rules, prescribe rates of royalty, contribution to District Mineral Foundation, the procedure for grant of mineral concessions, regulation of their mining, control of illegal mining etc.
In the case of major minerals, States substantially regulate and develop minerals subject to provisions of the MMDR Act, and after prior permissions from the central government.
The value of production of minor minerals was estimated at Rs. 52,490 crore in 2013-14. Andhra Pradesh, with share of 23.5% in the value of minor minerals produced in the country, occupied the top position. Gujarat was at second place with a share of 23.0% in the value of minor minerals. Next in the order were Maharashtra 14.6%, Rajasthan 12.9%, Uttar Pradesh 7.6%, Kerala 5.9%, Karnataka 3.9%, Madhya Pradesh 3.7% and Goa 1.6%. The contribution of remaining states and Union Territories was less than one percent each[3].

What are the Major Minerals found in India?
  • Bauxite. The total in situation reserves is 3.076 million tonnes. ...
  • Chromite. Total in situ reserves of chromite are estimated at 114 million tonnes. ...
  • Copper. ...
  • Gold. ...
  • Iron Ore. ...
  • Lead-Zinc. ...
  • Manganese. ...
  • Nickel.
Sr.No. STATE Minor Minerals - No. of cases Minor Minerals - Quantum of mineral/Ore excavated /stacked / Transported (in lakh tonnes) Minor Minerals - Value of Mineral /Ore (Rs.Lacks) Minor Minerals - FIR Lodged (Nos.) Minor Minerals - Court Cases Filed (Nos.) Minor Minerals - Fine realised (Rs. Lakh) Major Minerals - No. of cases Major Minerals - Quantum of mineral/Ore excavated /stacked / Transported (in lakh tonnes) Major Minerals - Value of Mineral /Ore (Rs.Lacks) Major Minerals - FIR Lodged (Nos.) Major Minerals - Court Cases Filed (Nos.) Major Minerals - Fine realised (Rs. Lakh)
1 ANDHRA PRADESH 270 0.052 57.39 0 0 96.24 9683 12.946 2607.83 0 0 2809.73
2 CHHATTISGARH 108 0.015 23.09 0 104 69.94 5754 2.388 202.09 0 5722 875.49
3 GOA 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 GUJARAT 277 2.337 782.96 3 0 232.9 6222 20.458 3007.88 81 2 3065.73
5 HARYANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 3912 13.022 304.32 78 0 878.58
6 JHARKHAND 167 0.01 34.26 79 131 5 1478 0.471 85.54 517 98 108.07
7 KARNATAKA 221 0.009 8.58 5 4 36 8964 5.846 1359.13 218 47 2789.59
8 KERALA 7 0.005 37.97 0 0 1.61 3694 51.265 32137 0 0 1364.57
9 MADHYA PRADESH* 86 0 45.03 0 86 108.17 13541 0 88533.07 0 13420 10897.88
10 MAHARASHTRA 0 0 0 0 0 0 30979 0 0 36 0 4791.4
11 ODISHA 44 2.009 88.17 0 0 43.68 18 0.105 113.51 0 0 82.62
12 RAJASTHAN 126 0.143 8.79 50 0 51.05 3535 31.014 653.51 374 11 1407.42
13 SIKKIM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14 TAMILNADU 2 0.645 75.62 1 0 142.53 56 5.013 38.08 4015 0 3041.52
15 TELENGANA 12 0.002 2.7 0 0 4.87 6526 20.87 1225.85 0 0 1636.6
16 UTTARPRADESH 0 0 0 0 0 0 11350 0 1216.06 0 0 3529.73
17 WEST BENGAL 575 0.008 3.77 575 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Total 1897 5.235 1168.33 713 325 791.99 105712 163.398 131483.9 5319 19300 37278.93


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