Mumbai: Public Interest Litigation has been filed for violation in Hospital and nursing home registration at Pune region. At PCMC only 18 Hospitals and NH have Fire NOC out of 444 and at PMC only 248 approx have Fire NOC out of 650 approx. The DHO Zilla Parishad have more than 700 Hospitals and Nursing home (outside municipal region) have no information of Final Fire NOC.
As per section 3 of Maharahtra Fire prevention and Life safety measure act 2006 Schedule 1 every hospitals and NH have to take fire NOC .
Important Points for Fire NOC out of 22 .
1. OC of Building with Change In Use.
2. Sprinkle, hose reel
3. Tank 5000 Ltr +
4 Second Staircase etc
Recently at Thane Municipal Region Bombay high Court ordered Shut down of all Hospitals and nursing homes operating without Fire NOC. At Thane only 37 is having Fire NOC in 2019 out of 388 approx. The TMC Fire department has sealed only 15 till date. Contempt petition is filed at Bombay High Court.
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