जानभूझ कर ऊँचे दाम में काम दिया गया, इंजीनियरिंग डिपार्टमेंट में भारी भ्रस्टाचार
Mumbai:RTI filed by Social Activist Mrs Smita A Bose on various Engineering works carried out by Engineering Department at Lokmanya Tilak Terminus, Mumbai Division Central Railway Mumbai. The works carried are of Shoddy nature and poor quality of materials have been used & works are being carried compromising with safety of passengers also huge money wasted , though works could have at much cheaper rates but exorbitant rates paid to Contractors at the cost of public exchequer. This money could have been used for some other amenities.
"The 4 new chambers cost railway Rs 195550 but using wooden partition it can be done with Rs20000 only .But Railways paid 1,95,550 to contractor M/S Umesh Prasad, then for an area of 12x10 Sq meter. New tiles were fixed though earlier one were of good quality opposite Station Director office at LTT, the cost incurred is Rs 1,04,445. Though this replacement of Tiles could have been carried out at around 25k only again public money gone in drain ,then the LTT Platform replacement of Tiles being carried for a whopping Rs 5 crore and 23 lacs, only tiles of platforms 1, 4 and 5 replaced that to very poor quality work. Anyone can go and see for yourself Platforms 2 and 3 no tiles replaced but contractor M/S Shrikrishna Construction paid 5 crore 23 lacs for entire 5 platforms at LTT. Similarly for replacing Platforms shed from asbestos to PVC sheets 2 Crore 85 lacs paid, all asbestos sheets replaced have been stored near LTT station exposing passengers to hazardous pollution, no safety measures adopted while replacing shed of platforms putting passengers safety at Risk, this is a big scam whereby huge money is paid to private contractors for works which could have been done at much less rate also quality of work is very poor ."
Mrs Smita Ajay Bose
Social Activist
Necessary Departmental enquiry should need to be conduct and if found true need to take Stern necessary appropriate action on concerned Persons / employees and authorities.