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Unregistered Valuer: CREATIVE VALUERS & ENGINEERS PRIVATE LIMITED Doing Illegal Valuation Job :Income Tax Reply


Mumbai ; CREATIVE VALUERS & ENGINEERS PRIVATE LIMITED is doing valuation business without any registration of 34 AB Of Wealth Tax act 1957. This company is doing more than 5000 valuation Job per month. The Valuer Raja Shambhu has got the valuers license on personal capacity under section 34 AB of WT act 1957. This is the reply given by CCIT Income tax Mumbai. As per 34 AC of WT act no company can act as valuer. Now the Income tax not ready to take action against company and its director . As per complainant the CCIT is under hand in the gloves of illegal valuer company . As per ROC record the CREATIVE VALUERS & ENGINEERS PRIVATE LIMITED was incorporated on Oct 2011. Directors of Creative Valuers & Engineers Private Limited are Raja Shiv Shambhu, Arti Roy, Rupesh Kumar, Sachin Lavjibhai Parmar,  Since 2011 it is doing illegal valuation with PSU and corporate sector. This is matter of investigation that Valuer Raja Shambhu has take permission or intimated Income tax about valuation company or not?  Valuation Kart Pvt Ltd is another company operated by Raja Shiv Shambhu as illegal valuer company! He is director in total 9 companies as per ROC record.
The Information from IBBI is awaited about registration as per latest regulation.

Directors named Raja Shiv Shambhu

No Comments received from  Creative Valuers & Engineers till date


  1. this seems to be fake complaint or allegation ....its clearly written as being disposed off

  2. Earlier valuations were being done by retired professionals as a part time job and in last 4-5 years many young professionals has joined the profession as a career and taking the profession very seriously. So such part time professionals are facing the using such crooked methodology to defame the honest and genuine professionals. the company must be running a business of extortion by putting such fake complains without any reason/justifications to target new victims. News agencies should avoid such fake news which has neither any base nor any sanctity but only meaningless and false allegations....

  3. Entirely fake news from competitors to defame the company. This business of extortion is not new for circulating fake news. Totally false allegations.


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