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Who is Killing Many Indian Nuclear Scientists?


*🎯भारत देश की जनसंख्या 1 अरब 25 करोड़ है।*

*🛡Active Military की संख्या 13 लाख 25 हज़ार है।*

*🛡इस देश में 2 सैनिकों की हत्या होने की कीमत लगभग 2000 नागरिकों के जीवन पर संकट होने के बराबर है।*

*🛡सोचिये इस देश के 1 परमाणु वैज्ञानिक की हत्या की क्या कीमत चुकानी पड़ेगी???*

*🛡लेकिन हम चुका रहे हैं।*

*🛡हम में से अनेक व्यक्ति इस बात से अनजान हैं।*

*🛡हमें ये पता है की आज सलमान ने क्या किया ?* 
*मोदी ने क्या पहना ?* 
*या केजरीवाल ने कितनी बार खाँसा ?*

*🛡लेकिन क्या हमें ये पता है की वर्ष 2009 से 2016 के बीच इस देश के 10 सीनियर परमाणु वैज्ञानिकों की हत्या कर दी गई ???* 

*🛡ये सभी वैज्ञानिक देश के अनेक projects से जुड़े हुए थे। नहीं पता है ना !!!* 

*🛡क्योंकि अभी हम व्यस्त हैं क्रिकेट वर्ल्ड कप में,IPL में हम busy हैं दिल्ली के ड्रामे में, U.P के होने वाले चुनाव में, और मोदी के फॉरेन टूर में, हम व्यस्त हैं उन टी.वी. चैंनलो पर चलने वाले प्रोग्रामो और बानवटी दुनिया में, जरा सोचिये ! क्या इन सब चीज़ो में उलझ कर हम अपनी आंतरिक सुरक्षा को खतरे में नही डाल रहे है ? क्योंकि हमारी सरकार के मंत्रियो, M.P, MLA और सरकारी अधिकारी, बाबुओं को रिश्वत, भ्रष्टाचार और घोटाले करने की आदत जो पड गई है, इन्हें देश की चिंता थोड़े ही है।*  

*🛡1995 से लेकर 2015 तक इस देश के 32 केंन्द्रों के 197 परमाणु वैज्ञानिकों की रहस्यमय मृत्यु हुई है। हमें पता ही नहीं।*

*🛡BARC के वैज्ञानिक M. Padmnabhan (48) की लाश उनके ही फ्लैट में मिली।* 

*🛡सप्ताह-भर से लापता CAG परमाणु-संयन्त्र से जुड़े Senior Engineer L.N. Mahalingam की लाश काली नदी में तैरती पाई जाती है।*

*🛡वर्ष 2013 में विशाखापत्तनम में Railway track के किनारे 2 वैज्ञानिकों KK Josh & Abhish Shivam की लाश मिलती है, ये दोनों वैज्ञानिक देश की पहली स्वदेशी पनडुब्बी "अरिहन्त" के निर्माण से जुड़े थे।*

*🛡क्या हमें पता चला इन सबकी हत्या कैसे हुई ???* 
*🛡क्यों News Channels ने हमें इन घटनाओं से बेख़बर रखा ??? इन्हें तो बस हीरो हीरोइन के अफेयर की न्यूज़ और विज्ञापनो की पड़ी है*
New Delhi: 11 nuclear scientists had unnatural deaths during a four year period from 2009-13 in the country, as per the latest data provided by Department of Atomic Energy. Out of them, eight scientists and engineers working in laboratories and research centres of the Department died in a blast or by hanging or drowning in the sea.

In its Right To Information (RTI) response to Haryana-based Rahul Sehrawat dated September 21, the department said three scientists of Nuclear Power Corporation had also died under mysterious circumstances during the period of which two allegedly committed suicide and one had died in a road accident.

The bodies of two scientists of C-group posted at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Trombay were found hanging in their residences in 2010, while one scientist of same grade posted at Rawatbhata, Rajasthan was found dead at his residence in 2012.

In one case of BARC, police claims that he committed suicide because of prolonged illness and closed the case while the remaining cases are still under investigation.

Two research fellows at died in a mysterious fire in the chemistry lab of BARC, Trombay in 2010. A scientist of F-grade was found murdered at his residence in Mumbai. It is suspected that he was strangulated but the murder accused remained untraced till date.

A D-grade scientist at Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) in Indore, Madhya Pradesh also allegedly committed suicide with police closing the case.

Another scientist posted at Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu allegedly jumped into the sea to end his life in 2013 with the case is still under probe whereas a Mumbai based scientist committed suicide by hanging, with police citing personal reasons for the same.

One scientist allegedly committed suicide by jumping into Kali river in Karwar, Karnataka with police again pointing at personal reasons.

*🛡इन सबकी हत्याओं में जो तरीके अपनाये गए वे दुनिया की कुछ चुनिंदा खुफिया एजेन्सी ही अपनाती हैं, जिनमें ISI, CIA, KGB, MI6, Mossad और ISI जैसी एजेंसियाँ शामिल हैं।*

*🛡🇮🇳भारत देश के परमाणु कार्यक्रम के जनक Dr.* *Homi Jahangir Bhabha की हत्या CIA ने की थी।*

*🛡हम ना जाने कहाँ खोये हैं, और देश पर गम्भीर संकट मंडरा रहा है।*
*🛡दूसरी और पाकिस्तान अपने परमाणु हथियारों की संख्या हमसे दुगनी कर चूका है।*
      *🔴✍🏻टी.एस.सुब्रमण्यम. रिटायर्ड,अध्यक्ष-विज्ञान एवम प्रौघोगिकी विभाग, भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान*    
The Bombay High Court today asked the central government to file a detailed affidavit concerning death of nuclear scientists in India.
A division bench of Chief Justice Manjula Chellur and Justice G S Kulkarni directed the Centre to submit a report on the deaths of scientists in the country.
The Centre's reply should have not just details of cause of death and the investigation there in done by the Investigating agencies but also "norms, guidelines, policy, rules and details of measures taken to protect the health of scientists and the compensation given to the families of scientists."
  1. The Bombay High Court bench was hearing a public interest litigation (PIL) filed activist Chetan Kothari, who had found out under the Right To Information (RTI) Act that many scientists have died in suspicious and unexplained deaths over the last couple of decades.
  2. The petitioner stated that police had not investigated the mysterious circumstances under which dead bodies of a few scientists were found. The PIL says that the police simply classify these deaths as either "unexplained" or "suicides".
  3. Justice Chellur observed that both the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board as well as the Atomic Energy Commission filed affidavits but they were very generic in nature and did not explain the investigation done and the conclusion arrived at as to the reason behind the deaths.
  4. Counsel for the petitioner Ashish Mehta today pointed out in the court the lackadaisical approach of the investigating agencies in the matters of deaths of scientists as revealed by the documents obtained under the RTI Act.
  5. During the hearing, Justice Chellur said, "Army and scientists, these are two sets of people, who should be taken care of. Life expectancy is around 70 then there should be a reason why people are dying at 50. If this goes on, then my worry is that no one will come to work here and nations interest will suffer."
  6. Additional Solicitor General Anil Singh told the Bombay High Court that the details provided by the petitioners are not correct.
  7. "If someone had died of heart attack then he has been shown as dying under mysterious circumstance by the petitioner. Radiation in nuclear plants is below permissible levels. We provide better health care facilities. Even compensation given to the families is as per norms," said Singh.
  8. Counsel Mehta pointed out to the media reports, attached with the petition, about the bodies of scientists being found under mysterious circumstances.
  9. Justice Chellur told the Additional Solicitor Genral that the bench was not criticising the department but if lives of scientists were at risk then it should be a cause of concern. "Are they really paying serious attention? Is everything in order? That is all we want to know. Give us material to substantiate your statement," the Bombay High Court Chief Justice told the government counsel.
  10. According to Department of Atomic Energy records, 11 nuclear scientists died unnatural deaths during 2009-13 in the country.

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