जनता को फ़साने की और जबरदस्ती लाभ दिखाने की कोशिश !
Breach Of Trust By IRDA Public Servant .....
Breach Of Trust By IRDA Public Servant .....
SEBI has done very dynamic job to protect the investors harden money in past. Due to SEBI action many scared to do corruption.
I have read news that SEBI is allowing ICICI Prudential Life to launch Rs800 million approx IPO in Share market.
Please note the insurance sector fraud which is also in public domain. Any common man can search it in google.
1. IRDA has guidelines to approve policies using file and use. ICICI Pru claimed that all his policies are approved by IRDA but denied to show approval certificate to us (Customer)
At Bombay High Court the IRDA advocate said that all the approval certificates are available in IRDA portal
After few days of BHC order we received the RTI appeal from IRDA that "IRDA has not format of approval certificate" . Read page 2 query no.5
As per insurance act there is penalty of Rs 5 lac for selling insurance policy without approval (Section 102 of insurance act 1938). In Reliance General Policy scam penalty was reduced from Rs20k cr to Rs20 Lac. Reliance general life also have no approval certificate.
IRDA actuary department never issue approval certificate because non of the polices are as per IRDA regulation.
2. ICICI Pru Life never pay service tax to Govt Of India. In an RTI reply service tax gave affidavit that they have no record of ICICI Pru and Birla Sunlife
we have registered complaint in Dec 2015 to Chief Commissioner ST Mumbai and also to ST3 Parel anti evasion cell. Every year approx.200 cr approx ST evasion.
3. ICICI Pru life deduct service tax from agent commission, which is illegal. The agent is not liable to pay ST . It should be paid by customer. So millions of agents have been cheated by ICICI Pru Life. Complaint is pending at Service tax 3 Mumbai
4. ICICI Pru Life pay less commission to agents. Eg. If 20% premium allocation charge is deducted and other 2.5 % (admin charge, FMC etc) then they pay commission only 12% . They suck 8% commission of agent without any approved head. So there is huge liability of pending commission on renewal commission also. As per IRDA annual report maximum part of charges should be paid as commission.
5. They make fake agreement and get sign with agents. Non of ICICI Pru authorized signatory sign this agreement. This agreement is not approved from IRDA . Using this agreement they terminated aroung 70k approx agents every year and sucked there renewals illegally. Companies has no power to terminate agent.
6. Thousands of their sales employees are selling policies without IRDA license but by showing company I card. So these policies are illegal in nature as per insurance act. section 42 (7) of insurance act 1938 https://indiankanoon.org/doc/1439441/
7. IRDA has no plan wise sales record of any insurance plan. So it can not be independently certified that ICICI Pru life sold how many policies. Read RTI Reply
8. Our team has evidence that ICICI Pru Life has changed the terms and conditions in customer policy kit . The terms and condition submitted to IRDA was changed with few words and line in customer policy. We can submit these evidences to your team. It is biggest corporate fraud. Soon we will publish it for awareness. Our case at Bombay High Court Is in process RPW/65/2014 (Stamp), NMW/197/2015 , NMWL/423/2016 with ICICI Pru as respondent no. 3.
Using this falsification of account ICICI Pru Life is showing profit in balance sheets. If such fake balance sheets are admitted then investors will be cheated . In future investors will feel ashamed that SEBI approved IPO by knowing all such facts which are available in public domain.
Kindly conduct independent inquiry about aforesaid facts before final approval in national interest. Our Review PIL and Criminal complaints(CPC) is in process and ICICI Pru , IRDA are made respondents.
Please call us for personal hearing for true investigation. Also treat this as complaint as per CVC whistle blower resolution. We are also free to approach Hon'ble Bombay High Court if public authorities fails to protect investors interest.
#Copy of Letter