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Thane Station:4107 Mobile Theft in 2014-RTI Reply By GRP

4107 Mobiles Lost In Train At Thane Station in 2014...RTI Reply By Govt                            Railway Police

In Mumbai Local trains pick pocketers steal mobile phones and passengers loosing smart phones in huge number. There are many zones in Govt. Railway Police ie Mumbai CST, Dadar , Kurla, Thane and Kalyan at central railway. Same 4-5 zones at western railway which are Churchgate, Bombay Central, Dadar, Bandra, Andheri, Borivali , Vasai etc. Information received from Thane GRP zone of central railway. Number of persons caught in theft cases is 150 to 200 every year from 2010-2014.Average 30 peoples caught in repeated crime. Number of Missing Mobiles in 2013 are 2508 and in 2014 till Nov. are 4107. Only average 200 cell phones per year recovered in 2013-2014 .
When person complaint about mobile theft the GRP policemen give them the form of missing and insist customer to write that in the crowd they lost mobile phone. This is the tactic to reduce the theft cases. Mobile theft lobby of Mumbra-kalva region is active at Thane Station . They Pick Pocket between Mulund-Mumbra where huge rush in train. Only 140 & 240 cases of theft is registered in 2013 and 2014 till Nov. Only 188 and 201 mobiles recovered in 2013 & 2014.
A doctor lost mobile phone at Mumbra station. A person snatched his smart phone of Rs20000 in running train and ran away. Footage was available in CCTV camera of RPF. When Doctor went to register complaint then GRP gave him ready made format to fill the form. This is illegal format used to convert stolen into missing. Missing in legal term is passenger mistake and stolen is law & order issue. These phones are purchased by a lobby at Mumbra and they change their IMEI number and sell it to new customer in discount rate. This network is working in association of Government railway police and Railway protection force. GRP is State police used by railway to maintain law and order in railway premises. 50% salary of GRP is borne by Indian Railway. RPF is doing extra income by collecting "Hafta" from hawkers in train and station. Everybody is sincerely collecting millions of money against national interest. The top bosses are aware of this activity because they may be getting share from this black money. If a cell is sold of Rs1000 approx then 4000 cell may generate Rs40 lac minimum black money in Thane region . So in other 10 regions  it is Rs4-5cr revenue generation by  few corrupt police network . Other region information is awaited by RTI.

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