Central Railway Misusing Western Railway Brand New EMU Rack
The central Railway Using Western Railway Brand New EMU Rack at
Mumbai for Garbage collection. A western Railway EMU is parked at Kalyan Station under Mumbai
Division between platform no. 3-4 loop track. This track is used for parking
for EMU in night. The new EMU rack is parked in this extra track at Kalyan Main
Platform. The Concrete construction waste material are filled in this Brand new
rack . Some gates of coaches are closed because there is no space for
additional garbage. Some gates are still open for filling additional garbage.
Mumbai citizens are waiting for additional rack for more
trains but central railway is using these multi - crores cost of new EMU rack for garbage filling . It is
standing their from March 2014 and local hawkers says that it is being using
for garbage clearance . The public money is wasted for useless job by Central
railway. Everyday many railway employees are watching this wastage , but they
are silent. The garbage clearance work can also be done by goods train coach,
but new EMU coach is being used.